8 Things Not To Do If You Are Asexual! Asexual Beauty! You’re Beautiful Just As You Are! #asexuality

Beautiful as you are pic

You should know that you are beautiful just as you are.

8 Things Not To Do If You Are Asexual!

There is no need for you to:

  1. Justify your asexuality to anyone.
  2. Agree with someone for the sake of it.
  3. Be liked by everyone; because no one is.
  4. Be unsure of who you are because another person puts doubt in your mind.
  5. Identify the same as others; you are unique, so embrace it!
  6. Be ashamed of being asexual; asexuality is beautiful!
  7. Keep quiet about your asexuality; if others can’t deal with it, it’s their problem.
  8. Not love yourself and change yourself; because you are beautiful just as you are!

I thought you mind need a gentle reminder! Keep loving you for who you are! You are beautiful, and never forget that!

Until next time, stay ace, Sandra xx

5 Benefits Of Single Life – Happy International Celebrate Being Single Day! #ICBSD February 14th 2018!!

Single life - 5 benefits


These are just 5 benefits of single life and being single, I can think of many more!! What others would you like me to add? Please comment below!

International Celebrate Being Single Day is a day I founded On February 14th, in 2015, so that no single person has to feel alone ever again on Valentine’s Day, instead, they can celebrate it as they special day! So how are you celebrating today?

Today I am out on a self-date to celebrate being single on #ICBSDAY! #ICBSD (International Celebrate Being Single Day – Feb 14th!), I am going to the cinema and for a meal! And I will be even more loved up with myself than usual, as a hyper-romantic, heteroromantic, asexual!

If you are looking for a fab self-love present, I recently designed this beautiful Asexual Pride Hearts Short Sleeve T-Shirt, it also comes as an Asexual Pride Hearts Long Sleeve T-Shirt and as an Asexual Pride Hearts Sweatshirt.

[amazon_link asins=’B079NFVB8N,B079NV7WQF,B079NVDVKK’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’asexualise-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4c42300d-0bf1-11e8-904f-3d7a714bfc9b’]

Whatever you are up to today, make sure it’s ace!

Sandra xx

International Celebrate Being Single Day – Pre-Celebration Why It’s Good To Be Single Quotes!

being single quotes

Why It’s Good To Be Single Quotes!

Here are some quotes I put together about why it’s good to be single! I particular like the last one “I’m single because I was born that way”. I think there is a lot of societal pressure to be in a couple when it simply is not necessary to live a happy and fulfilling life, in fact, so far, my happiest times are when I am enjoying being single with no one to worry about but myself!

It’s not long to go now, I am feeling uber excited to celebrate International Celebrate Being Single Day, #ICBSD, on Feb 14th. I founded International Celebrate Being Single Day in 2015, so that no single person has to ever feel alone on Valentine’s Day, instead they can CELEBRATE it as their special day too by self-dating, or meeting up with friends. Every year since 2015 I have had a self-date on that day and I love being single and celebrating my special day.

So what plans have you got for that day?

Whatever you decide to do, always stay ace

Sandra xx



Asexualise Asexual T Shirts! Asexual Merchandise On Asexualise.com

Asexualise Asexual T Shirts!

Check out these Asexualise Asexual T Shirts on https://redbubble.com/people/asexualise  

Please not that prices and designs are subject to change, so please check for up-to-date prices on my shop!

Asexualise merch for asexuals

Asexual Merchandise On Asexualise.com

For Asexualise Asexual T Shirts on this site, go to the home page www.asexualise.com and scroll down to the Asexualise category section.

How Are You Going To Celebrating International Celebrate Being Single Day? #ICBSD (How To Self-Love At Home!)

Not long to go, I am feeling super excited to celebrate International Celebrate Being Single Day, #ICBSD, on Feb 14th. (Not to be confused with ‘Singles Day – which I believe was originally set up as a more cynical view of Valentine’s Day and being single – Whereas the day I founded is to ‘celebrate’ being single – which is key).** I founded International Celebrate Being Single Day in 2015 so that no single person has to ever feel alone on Valentine’s Day – Instead they can CELEBRATE it as their special day too – By self-dating, or meeting up with friends. Every year since 2015 I have had a self-date on that day and I love it – makes me feel great.

How are you going to be celebrating?

If you are going to be staying at home, here are ways you can self-love at home, the asexual way!

What is it Like to Date an Asexual if you are Sexual?

can sexuals date asexuals

So most people believe that if you are asexual and won’t have sex with a sexual partner, you should not be with one. I know from my own experience that I cannot date sexuals anymore, because it has not worked numerous times before and it would just would not work out. I even tried it last year as my own Asexual Perspectives book gave me hope that it was possible because a biromantic person is in a relationship with a sexual and they said sex was never an issue! Lucky them. It didn’t work out for me although for reasons other than a lack of sex, but I don’t need that kind of worry and anxiety anymore of what if he were to go get that with someone else, or of if he changed his mind, or if he tried something on – I know he was keen for me to masturbate him and I just wasn’t into that!

I did manage to find these two fabulous videos though, of sexuals who are dating asexuals and don’t seem to mind having a relationship without sex.

Watch these videos to find out what is it like to date an asexual if you are sexual?

What Is The Story Behind The Ace Cake Asexual Joke?

Are you feeling Asexy?

I recently saw a video that gave a different definition of asexy to my own. I define asexy as something that would usually be seen as sexy, but minus the sexual attraction – so if I was attracted to the guy, I might find him hot looking aesthetically or he might have a magnetic charm, but unlike sexuals, as an asexual, I would not want sex with him because I would not get the urge for that.

While I was searching the internet for how others define asexy, I came across a ‘playboy’ article in which David Jay – founder of www.asexuality.org answered the story behind why asexuals joke about cake. He was interviewed by Debra W. Soh, who is a sex writer and sexual neuroscientist at York University in Toronto. She has written for Harper’s, The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, The Los Angeles Times, The Globe and Mail and many others. Follow her on Twitter: @debra_soh.

Story Behind The Ace Cake Asexual Joke Revealed

Here is her question and his answer:

“Can you explain the story behind how a slice of cake became a symbol of asexuality and what it means to the Ace community?”

“The moment when new people show up to the community has always been a little sacred for us; it’s when people realize that they’re not alone. Cake started as a symbol of welcome: Someone would join the community and post their story, and people would come in and post a little image of cake. Since then, it’s expanded, and has become a little like the rainbow, though these days the Ace flag gets used much more.”

And here is a link to the full article https://www.playboy.com/articles/david-jay-asexy It is on the playboy site – a magazine aimed at sexuals.


10 Awesome Benefits To NOT Having Sex!

Here are 10 Awesome Benefits To NOT Having Sex!

1) You don’t have to worry about getting a STD.

2) No risk of getting pregnant or of getting someone pregnant.

3) No pressure or expectation to perform.

4) You will be loved for who you are, not for how many orgasms you can attempt to give or have.

5) Less mess and changing of bed sheets!

6) Relationship compatibility is increased because there is more focus on shared mutual interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes – rather than sexual attraction being the primary reason for the relationship to start and continue.

7) Less divorce rates due to impotency or lack of sex, if you are not having it anyway.

8) You have more time to focus on other things.

9) You don’t have to feel guilty if you are too tired to have sex or not in the mood.

10) There is more chance of getting to the root of relationship problems, and either sorting them out or cutting your losses sooner – rather than using sex as a kiss and make-up mask over the problem – leading to more frustration, hurt and pain, later on!

Happy Christmas! Behind the scenes of Sandra’s Grotto!

Merry christmas.blog-post-image

Happy Christmas and Happy Acemas. I hope you enjoy this behind the scenes video of what I like to call Sandra’s Grotto! Wishing you the most wonderful Christmas and the most amazing 2018! Lots of love and hugs xx


How To Come Out As Asexual!!

Before I Begin

Before I go any further with this ‘how to come out as asexual’ post, let me tell you that you owe it to yourself and to be fair to others if you are in a relationship, to say that you are not into sex, but you do not have to say right away that you are asexual. You can just say things like I am not into sex.  I just don’t like  sex. I have never liked sex. I don’t associate sex with love. These explain how you feel, rather than use the term asexual which others may try to object to. No one can object to how you feel, because those feelings are yours and you own them, and no one has the right to take those away from you.

However, if you do want to come out as asexual, someone asked me how to come out as asexual to their boyfriend and others, here was my advice! Hope it helps!

How To Come Out As Asexual

Honesty is way better in the long-term for you to live your life as your authentic self, however, it is best you prepare for objections in advance and know not everyone may like what you have to say but to remain strong and adamant that you are asexual and be confident with it. Confidence is key.

Firstly, I would confide in a friend/s or family member/s who you believe would most likely take it well because they are open-minded – I would do this first so you can see their reaction and also hopefully they will understand your situation and you can get them on side so it gives that initial confidence boost! It is not guaranteed to work – but it helps if you have people who either back you up or just don’t mind about it. If you cannot get any support there and you need a confidence boost before telling others about it, go in Asexual Facebook groups or asexual online forums, so you can at least feel less alone and supported and have an outlet should things not go as planned or people continue to be negative – however, be sure to go with the mindset that there is nothing wrong in being asexual, that there are thousands of people on the planet who are – a recorded 1%, that is 1 in every 100 people you are likely to be asexual – that is a good fact to tell people too, to help them understand it is actually more common than they think! Then tell others in order of importance and urgency.

I came out to my parents first, I just told them in a confident and matter of fact way, that I think I am asexual and explained what it was, and by the second conversation they said it sounds like me, and are far more understanding now then they have ever been, about me, my personality, and my life! But the first friend I told was not good about it and said I just hadn’t met the right person yet. – So you can prepare to answer that question with something like, ‘yes, you are right, I just haven’t met the right asexual person yet!’ The reason this friend was adamant about me not being asexual, was in her opinion, I was always talking about guys and I explained that is because I liked them aesthetically and romantically. But not only that, I was under-confident about my asexuality back then and wishy-washy with it, and not strong and speaking with conviction, if I had been adamant, and confident, it would have helped tremendously, so remember to be the most confident you can possibly be!

In terms of your boyfriend – meet up with him in private and sit him down and explain to him about asexuality and what it is and how that impacts you and makes you feel. Explain how important he is to you and how much you love him and trust him and that you feel so comfortable with him that you wanted to tell him how you feel, that you would have liked to have shared this with him before, but did not know how to go about it and now feel more confident in saying. (It’s important to use feeling words and put the emphasis or you being responsible for your asexuality). Allow him time to ask questions, think, and come to terms with it. You can say, I realise this may be new to you but I want us to grow stronger and closer together through sharing this with you. Then take it from there. I hope that helps. I am also at http://www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife.

Also, asexuality.org has some great info.

Was this helpful? Let me know what you think in the comments below!




