Asexual Masturbation, Solo Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Reciprocated Masturbation, Unreciprocated Masturbation

One of the questions I get asked quite a lot in PM, is “can I still be asexual if I masturbate?” The answer is yes. Some asexuals take part in solo masturbation, some mutually masturbate each other when in a relationship, and some want to masturbate their partner but not have it reciprocated, whilst others don’t want to masturbate their partner, but like to receive that! Of course there are asexuals who don’t like any form of masturbation! We are all different and that is ace!

Watch the video to discover more about Asexual Masturbation, Solo Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Reciprocated Masturbation, and Unreciprocated Masturbation.

Until next time, stay ace, Sandra xx