Asexuality And My Self-loathe To Self-love Story – How You Can Self-Love – Empowerography Interview With Sandra Bellamy

Empowerography asexuality interview with Sandra Bellamy

So happy to be featured on Empowerography Podcast telling my personal story of how I went from self-loathing to self-loving through entrepreneurship and what inspires me most about the work I do for asexuals and what asexuality actually is.

Watch a clip from the interview about what inspires me most about the work I do for asexuals, or click here 

And if you’ve ever lacked  purpose, felt like you don’t belong, or you don’t like yourself or your life – I want you to know I’ve been in that position myself for many, many years, since childhood, and it was tough – is an understatement.

It wasn’t until this moment… that everything changed for me and I went from self-loathing to self-loving…

See what I mean by watching this video below – or clicking through this link 


After watching the video, you may have noticed that in order to self-love, you need to:

  • Take notice of all the special qualities you have.
  • How much life experience you have.
  • How much knowledge you have gained, through work and your life.
  • How many skills you have gained, through work and your life.

  • All of which you can use to help others.
  • Which means you are useful, not useless.
  • You are worthy of being in life.
  • You matter.

So think about all of these.

Helping others gives you purpose, meaning, and helps you to heal also. Even if that’s doing some sort of volunteer work – online or offline.

Helping yourself, by seeing your own value and worth, even when you’re not helping others, is important to your own health and wellbeing. 

The more you see yourself as you truly are, not what love ones, family, so called friends and society have conditioned you to believe and think you are, the more you can be your true authentic self and love yourself. You can’t love yourself if others have manipulated and brainwashed you into believing you are this, that, and the other… and you can never change and there is something inherently wrong with you – what’s wrong with you, is the lies of unworthiness other people have fed you, and you believe, if you lack self-love. I hope you can begin to see, if you lack self-love, that you are worth loving and being in life.

And if you already love yourself, then I’m super happy for you and I’m glad you’re not dealing with the pain of self-loathing like I used to be, of both my life and myself…

In fact, it was in 2012, that my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia saved me from depression and my first ever business seminar I attended, was the start of my entrepreneurial journey that in turn started my self-love journey… before I found out I’m asexual in 2014…

You can listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts here

Or Spotify here

Once again, this interview helps me with my life mission of getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation is its own right throughout the globe, so no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again, and I’m so happy that Brad Walsh gave me this opportunity to empower and inspire his Empowerography audience.

Let me know what you think šŸ¤”

As always, stay ACE.

Sandra xx

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