The timetable hasn’t been fixed yet, but I am down to be on the panel of speakers at the UK asexuality conference on July 8th, at Westminster University in London,

So it would seem I am finally going to get to be a public speaker, in London, and on a topic (asexuality), that I know a lot about! So this is fabulous news. My hotel accommodation and transport are already booked and an asexual friend will be filming me and we will be hanging out together for 3 days, so that will be super cool!

I also organise Asexual (in person) meet ups in my city of Exeter in the UK, and our next one is 19th of May, which is this weekend. We will be meeting up for food and drink and then going to the Underground Passages. Here is a video so you can have a peek.

I love to meet other asexuals and it is really nice for me to be in the company of guys who enjoy my company without wanting to have sex with me – as a heteroromantic asexual, I love romance, and am attracted to guys, but never get the need, urge or want for sex, and yes, I have had that in the past and yes, my ex was good at it, and no, I don’t need it. Kissing I love, but not the sex, thanks. I would rather do the washing up and I hate washing up!

If you want to know more about asexuality please subscribe to my YouTube channel – I just went over 300 subscribers on there! Oh and I also wrote a book in which I interviewed 46 asexuals around the globe, on what they really think of love, life and sex, and not every asexual thinks the same as me! It is a really informative read, even if you are not asexual! It is called Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity. Here is the link so you can check it out and shop for it

Besides helping people with Asexuality, I also do other things. I have been a very busy bee, creating a short technical Kindle book for a very specific niche and my first mini online training course for my Quirky Academy (soon to be officially launched – I have a bit more learning curve to do first – a big bit more – but I will succeed). I already launched the trailer for that channel recently. Here it is and please subscribe if you are an entrepreneur, start-up or creative, and into social media, marketing, WordPress website building, automation:

Until next time, always stay ace

Sandra xx

Update: Here are my specific talks from the UK Asexuality Conference!