10 Essential Tips for Maintaining Well-being as an Asexual Individual

Being asexual is a unique and valid sexual orientation but it can come with a lot of difficulties and challenges as you buck the norm of societal thinking and expectations. So it’s important to prioritise your well-being throughout your asexual journey, in order to feel good about yourself, your life, and your sexual orientation of asexuality.

In this blog article, I want to share and explore with you, 10 essential tips that can help you stay healthy, happy, and fulfilled, as an asexual individual. Whether you’ve recently discovered your asexuality or have been identifying as asexual for a while, these tips will provide guidance and support for maintaining your well-being. Sandra Bellamy - Self-care, 21st Mindset Birthday trip to Eurodisney

  1. Self-Acceptance:

Embrace your asexuality as a valid part of who you are. Recognise that your feelings and experiences are real and valid, and give yourself permission to fully accept and embrace your identity.

  1. Seek Community:

Connect with the asexual community, either online or in person, to find a supportive network of individuals who share similar experiences. Engaging with others who understand and validate your asexuality can provide a sense of belonging and support.

  1. Educate Yourself:

Take the time to educate yourself about asexuality and its various nuances. Learning about different asexual identities, experiences, and resources, can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and empower you to navigate discussions about asexuality with confidence. You can take my FREE Asexuality Basics For Beginners Course here https://asexualise-academy-courses.thinkific.com/courses/asexuality-basics-for-beginners-introduction-to-asexuality

  1. Communicate Your Needs:

Open and honest communication is key in any relationship. Express your boundaries, desires, and needs to your friends, family, and potential partners. It’s important for them to understand and respect your asexuality to maintain healthy relationships with you.

  1. Self-Care:

Prioritise self-care activities that promote your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and fulfilment. This might include hobbies, self-dating, mindfulness practices, exercise, or spending time with loved ones and friends. Asexual Sandra Disney Princess Look

  1. Seek Support:

If you’re facing challenges related to your asexuality, consider seeking professional support. A therapist or counsellor who is knowledgeable about asexuality can provide guidance, help you navigate personal struggles, and offer valuable insights. I offer coaching, and advice and support sessions, but I’m not a licensed therapist or counsellor. If you want my help, hit me up in the chat bubble.

  1. Set Boundaries:

Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for your well-being. Be clear about what you’re comfortable with and communicate your boundaries to others. Remember that it’s okay to say no and prioritise your own needs and comfort. This means it’s okay to say no to having any type of sex or being touched in any way you’re not comfortable with.

  1. Celebrate Your Identity:

Take pride in your asexual identity and celebrate it in ways that resonate with you. Participate in asexual visibility events, connect with online communities, or express yourself through art, writing, or other creative outlets. 

Asexual Sandra at Universal Studios Disneyland Paris

  1. Find Allies:

While it’s important to connect with the asexual community, it’s equally valuable to have supportive allies in your life. Allies are individuals who may not be asexual but understand, respect, and support your identity. Cultivate relationships with those who are accepting and willing to learn.

  1. Educate Others:

If you feel comfortable and empowered, advocate for asexuality and help raise awareness. Educate others about asexuality, challenge misconceptions, and promote understanding and acceptance. By sharing your experiences, you can contribute to a more inclusive society.

Staying well as an asexual individual involves self-acceptance, seeking community, educating yourself and others, setting boundaries, and prioritising your self-care. Remember, you deserve to live a fulfilling and authentic asexual life. By implementing these essential tips, you can enhance your well-being and embrace your asexual identity with confidence and pride.

Embrace your journey and know that you are not alone – a supportive community awaits you.

If you’re not a member of my YouTube community, click the video below now, and subscribe and hit the bell icon to join an empowered community of asexuals and allies, who support one another, and help you to keep feeling ACE! Plus, you get an opportunity to ask me any questions you like about asexuality, in live stream chat or comments. Join me and other like-minded individuals here https://www.youtube.com/live/orc-8mI0p-Q?feature=share 

As always, stay ACE.

Sandra xx

How To Be A OKAY With Being Asexual

How to be A OKAY with being asexual

Being Asexual can be really tough for some people and for others it’s no big deal. So why is that?

A lot of factors can come into play, from how you’re treated individually by your family, friends and acquaintances, teachers, authority figures, to society in general.

You may feel like you just don’t fit in, like you are an alien speaking another language, that something is broken within you, or missing, and that you are somehow less than other people and lacking in some way, but this simply isn’t true.

While you have every right to feel that way and you are definitely not alone as I have come across a number of asexuals who feel at least some of these things, if not all of them, I want you to know there is nothing missing, or broken, or wrong with you, because it’s how you were made, how you are wired, and it’s A OKAY to be wired differently to the majority.

Being a minority is not something to be feared but to be embraced, it means you are different and even more unique than others and that is a beautiful thing.

Life would be incredibly boring if we were all the same.

I know you may be worried about what other people think, but it doesn’t matter what they think, because whatever they say, it doesn’t stop you being asexual, it doesn’t change who you are, and their opinion of you is not more important that your own or who you truly are. They can’t change your sexuality, even if they disapprove of it or choose not to accept it, it’s actually their problem, not yours. You  can’t control the actions of others. their thoughts, feelings and emotions, but you can choose how you react to them. So I would encourage you to respond with “your opinion of me, does not dictate my reality” and “my asexuality/sexuality is not up for debate”. Because it doesn’t whatever they say, you can’t help being you and you don’t need to apologise for who you are, nor do you have to feel you are not worthy of acceptance, love, care and respect, because you are, just as much as heterosexuals are or any sexuality is.

If you don’t have sex in a relationship, you have plenty of other qualities to offer, such as being kind, caring, thoughtful, considerate, loyal, intellectual, good conversationalist, creative, have shared interests etc, you genuinely care about the person and you love them for them who they are, not for their genitalia, you are good company and can be an amazing support to that person emotionally. It’s only people who value their relationship based on how much sex they are or or not having that would judge you as worthy of a relationship or not, based on if you have sex or not, as that’s their main criteria, in which case it’s going to be a shallow relationship if that is the main or only thing they care about, you have so much more to offer than sex. Having sex doesn’t make someone worthy of a relationship or not, lots of people have sex and cheat or get cheated on, or get divorced.

You are precious and your life is precious, no person in the world is worth more than yourself, we are all equally important people in life, and if someone does not accept you for who you are, that’s up to them, but please don’t allow them to make you feel any smaller and less than you are, because no one is better that you and their judgement is just that, their judgement and opinion, they don’t speak for everyone. And as you have probably realised, these people who judge people and can ‘t accept others for who they are, are reflecting their own sense of uncomfortabilities and insecurities onto you.

People fear what they don’t understand. They fear the unknown and they fear what they are not used to and even the concept of not experiencing sexual attraction is too much for some people to bare, as it wipes out a lot of what they were taught since birth. They don’t realise how they have been conditioned by society to believe that heterosexuality is the ‘normal” sexuality and that “everyone should be having sex to be happy and healthy” but as we know just because some people have sex, it doesn’t mean to say it makes them happy and a lot of unhealthy people have sex. This could be unhealthy in terms of lifestyle, environment, life choices, physicality, mindset, or other. 

Having sex doesn’t make someone a happier or healthier person if they they don’t like it, don’t need it, and don’t want to do it, and an unhappy or healthy person can’t be changed to become happy or healthy just by having sex. A depressed person will quickly go back to being depressed after the high of sex has worn off.

My point is, it’s A OKAY to be you. It’s A OKAY to be different. And I would encourage you to embrace your difference as your beauty because it will help you feel more comfortable being your asexual self.

Always remember, you have as much right to be asexual as someone does to be heterosexual, pansexual, bisexual, homosexual, all sexualities are equally valid and no one should put themselves on a pedestal claiming their sexuality is the one to be. Everyone has the right to be proud of their own sexuality, and love it the most (I love being asexual more than any other sexuality I am not, because I enjoy being sex free and I like the fact I don’t like sex for me and I will shout it from the rooftops that being asexual is amazing as I love it so much, even though it makes dating and a potential relationship super difficult).

Always remember, no one has the right to dictate your own sexuality but you. You are in charge of your life no one else.

Growing up we tend to put authority figures on a pedestal and this inevitably makes it harder to accept ourselves later in life if authority figures disagree with our sexuality. But I want you to remember an authority figure’s opinion of you, is not more important than your own, and it’s not more important than you are. Their opinion of you does not change anything, it doesn’t stop you being asexual.

I would like you to practise not caring what other people or what authority figures think about you, because when you release the need to please these people; to fit in with their ideology, you will release yourself from the chains that have enslaved you for years and live a much more freeing and empowering life.

Life really is too short to be forced mentally and emotionally into an asexual hibernation, you are gorgeous, beautiful, and incredible, just for existing, everyone is valid, just for being – that’s actually the miracle of life, and you are a miracle, because you were born and you do exist. You just “be”, in your essence. The people who criticise you won’t care about you when you have gone, so why should you care about then while you’re alive? So please don’t, don’t allow these people to disturb your mental peace and inner happiness, they aren’t worth it, but you are.

Know this:

  • If you’re an asexual who hates sex, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you’re an asexual who hates romance, you’re A OKAY.
  • If romantic scenes make you feel sick to watch and disgust you, you’re A OKAY.
  • If sex scenes make you feel sick to watch and disgust you, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you don’t understand sexual innuendo, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you don’t feel any sexual attraction at all, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you don’t feel any romantic attraction at all, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you hate nudity and it makes you feel sick, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you’re an asexual who doesn’t like to be touched at all, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you don’t understand what the big deal is about sex, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you’re a Grey Asexual who does experience sexual attraction, but only under limited, rare, or specific circumstances, or you experience it, but not enough to want to act on it, you’re A OKAY.
  • If you’re an asexual who participates in sex and you like it as an activity to do, despite not experiencing sexual attraction, or not experiencing the “usual” sexual attraction, you’re A OKAY.
  • Wherever you fall on the Asexual Spectrum, you’re A OKAY.
  • Whatever your asexual likes or dislikes are, you’re A OKAY.

There are so many different types of asexuals with individual preferences, likes, dislikes, wants, and needs, and that’s okay, because you/we are all A OKAY.

I hope you can see now, just how vastly different and diverse the asexual community is but how our individuality is a good thing and something to embrace.

It’s better to embrace your asexual identity than resist it and discount or devalue yourself, because there are enough people in the world trying to invalidate others, without doing that to yourself. It’s up to you to validate yourself, and not rely on others to do this for you, otherwise your emotions are at the mercy of other people, and that’s not a stable situation to put yourself in, or be in.

Self-acceptance and self-love is a must for a truly ACE life where you feel A OKAY the majority of the time.

Was this article helpful? Let me know.

As always, stay ACE.

Sandra xx

15 Things You Need To Know To Boost Your Confidence As An Asexual

If you struggle with confidence as an asexual or with your asexuality identity, these 15 things you need to know to boost your confidence as an asexual will really help you.

  1. Know asexuality is just as valid as an other sexuality.
  2. Know you are whole just as you are and that nothing is missing or broken.
  3. Know you are worthy of love, life and happiness.
  4. Know that you are worthy of a monogamous relationship, even without sex.
  5. Know that if someone has a problem with your asexuality, it’s their problem not yours. This includes family, friends, and acquaintances.
  6. Know that you do not have to change for anyone.
  7. Know your difference is your beauty.
  8. Know it’s okay to not to be the same as others.
  9. Know that being asexual is a gift, because it means you see the world in a unique way.
  10. You have the right to be treated with respect and to be taken seriously, this means people should accept the fact you identify as asexual and respect that, not dismiss it, interrogate you over it, or act as if it doesn’t exist.
  11. You have the right to walk away from anyone who invalidates you or puts you down about your asexuality.
  12. Consent is a must no matter what sexual orientation you are and boundaries should be respected. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable by what they are doing or about to do, you don’t have to do it and  you can say no. If you say no, they have to respect that.
  13. You have the right to change your mind. If you wanted to do something or try something, but you realise you don’t like it or don’t want to do it again, you can speak up and say so, and you should be able to do that without fear and it be accepted without objection.
  14. Never think that someone else’s opinion of you, is more important than your own. You have a right to be who you want to be and live how you want to live, never let anyone constrain you to be what they think you should be.
  15. Know your value and your worth, and don’t think you are any less than you are. There is only one of you and that is priceless and highly valuable. The people that deserve to be in your life, keep, those who put you in fear, who don’t see your value and your worth, allow them to go from your life or limit your time with them. Life is too short to stay with, or be around, those who don’t appreciate you for who you are and who don’t make you feel good about yourself. You deserve to be liked, loved, cherished and adored. It’s your birth right.

I hope these 15 things you need to know to boost your confidence as an asexual have helped you? 

Merry Christmas and keep shining your asexual light.

BLACK FRIDAY SALE – 5 days only – Save 20-60% off Asexualise Asexual Merchandise

Black Friday ACE Merch
Hi my ACE friend It’s that time of year when Black Friday deals are here again.


For just 5 days only, you can save yourself 20-60% off Asexualise Asexual Merchandise here https://redbubble.com/shop/asexualise
  • Dresses
  • Leggings
  • Mini Skirts
  • Sweatshirts & Hoodies
  • T-Shirts
  • Tank Tops

And more…

This is your opportunity to get your asexual Christmas gifts for yourself and others, at a huge reduction.

And as Redbubble ship all over the world, there’s no excuse not to treat yourself.

So go now to https://redbubble.com/shop/asexualise and check out up to 60 of my very own unique, asexual designs.

There’s something for every ace!

As always, stay beautifully ACE Sandra xx

Mastering Your Emotions And Life With Dr Alan Simberg – Interviewed By The Asexual Entrepreneur Sandra Bellamy

Mastering your emotions and life

Hi my ACE friends,

I was so happy to receive these kind words “You have an intuitive way of when to listen and when to speak” – from Dr Alan Simberg, who is my first interviewee on my www.youtube.com/@makemoneymakecash channel – where I’m known as The Asexual Entrepreneur.

You can listen to what he has to say, in full, in this short video testimonial below, that is just a little over a minute long.

Dr Alan Simberg gave me this glowing feedback after I interviewed him about how to make money as a therapist and how to turn a passion into a profession. He is a really lovely therapist, as well as an author and speaker.

He gives huge insights into how to live your best life both personally and professionally, and has some useful advice on how to master our emotions by looking at things in a more non-personal way, so we can be happier.

I resonated a lot with what he had to say.

In the interview you are about to watch below, Dr Alan Simberg reveals his personal story of how he overcame a fear of public speaking and how he got to where he is today, despite being put down about his capabilities and people thinking he wouldn’t amount to much. 

He is a really lovely person and I was so happy to be able to interview him.

To tell you a bit about his professional background, Dr Alan Simberg, Ph.D. is certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition and is also a certified NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) practitioner. He’s a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Chemical Dependency Counselor and has 50 plus years of clinical experience, which have provided him with a wealth of knowledge and understanding, making this video a must watch.

(Trigger warning if you get affected by listening to the views of a therapist which may be different to your own therapist’s views.)

Please watch this insightful interview now, below, and it would be ACE if you would like to subscribe to that channel now too here https://www.youtube.com/channel/@makemoneymakecash Thanks xx And check out his website here https://www.lifemasterywithalan.com 

What Does It Mean To Be Asexual – What Is Asexuality And The Asexual Spectrum

Have you’ve ever wondered what does it mean to be asexual? How do I know if I’m asexual? How can I tell if I’m asexual? What is asexuality? And what is the asexual spectrum?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place.

Please watch this video below, which I created especially for you to explain more in-depth about what does it mean to be asexual.

This video also explains the asexual spectrum in a way which you should find easy to understand and be able to relate to in some way, including the Aro Ace spectrum within it.

To give you a starting point of what is means to be asexual and aromantic, you can read these Asexual Flag quotes below, but please watch the video above, for a more in-depth picture of what it truly means to be asexual and part of the asexual spectrum.




Watch the video below for the full explanation of what does it mean to be asexual and what is the asexual spectrum.

As always, stay ACE.

Sandra xx

Can You Help Me? Love You To Be Part Of This!

Love you to be part of this

It’s been over 7 years now, since I first started my Asexualise My Asexual Life Channel and boy how this channel has grown in viewership over the years – over 433,000 views and counting.


But I still feel there is so much more I can do.

When I originally started this channel in October 2015 to help other asexuals, I was kinda nervous and felt strange talking about intimate topics with strangers. Now it’s like being in a comfy arm chair, among a community of like-minded souls. I feel like it’s my hangout, where I get to inform, educate, entertain, and literally share multiple aspects of my own asexual life journey, and experience, to truly ace your own life, in terms of dating, relationships, friendships, and help to grow you in self-love, confidence, and self-esteem.

You can view and subscribe to my Asexualise channel here https://www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife

But that’s not all…

You see I also shared something else when I got started out, and that was why I started the channel – to raise awareness of asexuality, to help asexuals be comfortable and confident with their asexuality, and to educate others. And I spoke about how I can help raise awareness of asexuality on a more global scale, as I’m also in the entrepreneur space since 2012, and if I can get entrepreneurs who are the thought leaders of the world, and who are often the people with the loudest voices in the world, to know about asexuality and accept it, then it’s going to mean I can fulfil my life mission; of getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation throughout the globe, in it’s own right, so no asexual has to live in fear ever again.

With that in mind, I created another channel, but this one is for entrepreneurs, authors, and creatives, called Make Money Make Cash, and I recently started asking other entrepreneurs and authors to be interviewed by me, so they can explain how they make money doing what they love, so you can do the same.

On that channel I’m known as The Asexual Entrepreneur to help raise more awareness of asexuality on a global scale and I would really appreciate your support.

Here is that channel https://www.youtube.com/@makemoneymakecash and I would love to get your support by asking you to subscribe to it please? If you feel it may be at all of any interest.

I’m still editing my first interview with a fascinating person, who is an entrepreneur and author, and a licensed therapist who specialises in helping people with their relationships and addictions. He knew he wanted to help people since he was 7 or 8 years old and has some fascinating stories to share. But in the meantime there are plenty of videos on that channel about how to sell your pre-loved items for quick cash, such as on eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Vinted. Plus, if you like to write like I do, there are tips and insights into book publishing with Amazon and what mistakes to avoid. So if any of this resonates with you or interests you, or you would just like to support me in raising more awareness of asexuality, you can get started by subscribing here https://www.youtube.com/@makemoneymakecash

I still need more subs to get that channel to 100 so I can get the personalised URL on that one, and help raise more awareness of asexuality as The Asexual Entrepreneur. II did recently acquire the YouTube handle for it, which I am super happy about.

Please help me to help more asexuals by watching the video about it on my Asexualise channel here https://youtu.be/VgxAov9kc9I and clicking through the link here https://www.youtube.com/@makemoneymakecash to subscribe to that channel.

I will be publishing my first interview on there shortly, so it would mean the world to me to get that channel to 100 subs before it goes live to the world.

I think you will also find that channel very insightful. Would you be able to subscribe please? I would really appreciate it.

Enjoy checking it out, until next time, stay ACE,

Sandra xx

Asexual Friends Meetups For Asexual Awareness Week – ACE WEEK #aceweek2022

Have you every wondered what it’s like to hang out with asexual friends in person and what asexuals get up to with all the sex they’re not having? If so, you’re going to love this post.

Yes, not every asexual is sex repulsed, some asexuals do have sex, but for those of us who don’t, you might want to know what fun, non-sexual activities we get up to.

So in this post, I’m going to share with you, what I got up to with my bestest asexual friend Sammie for their 40th birthday and my close asexual friend Vanessa who is 21.
Both of these people are important to me and I am very thankful and grateful for them in my life.

Me and Sammie have known each other since 2017 and became best friends upon the first time of meeting in 2018, and Vanessa I met at an asexual meetup this year in my city, which I orgnanised. After my best friend Andy was too sick to meet up with me for my birthday in April, Vanessa came with me to the Aquarium for it, and I instantly got on really well with her and we became good friends and have since become even better friends, the more we have got to know each other. Because I reprogrammed my mind to be like 21 years old and I live like a teenager on purpose, I like going to a lot of the same places as Vanessa and as Sammie is really young too – they look like they are in their 20s, we like doing enjoyable, young, fun, things together too.

So on 28th October, for Sammie’s 40th Birthday:

* We went to a cafe in the morning.

* Then to a pub for a drink and gift giving (see photos).

* Then we ate in Nandos.

* Then we went to War Of The Worlds Immersive Experience, which was scary and fun. (See photo.)

* After that we drank in the bar and Sammie had a birthday cocktail (see photos below).

* We ate after then in East Street Thai Restaurant 😋

* It was an ACE day.

* And even more ACE as we are both asexual in sexual orientation. We are both sex repulsed and naked repulsed. And it was Asexual Awareness Week. Watch the video

On 30th October, I went to Vanessa to Brean theme park, rode some amazing rides and enjoyed eating delicious foods. Check out these photos.

Watch these videos to see more of Sammie’s 40th Birthday.

Watch these videos to see more behind the scenes footage of Brean Theme Park.

I really loved spending time with my asexual best and close friends for Asexual Awareness Week #aceweek2022 and having a lot of non-sexual asexual fun together. Which proves you can live a very happy life without sex, full of excitement and enjoyment. My life is never boring.

Always stay ACE 

Sandra xx


Writer,Speaker, Podcaster Bootcamp

LESS THAN 7 HOURS TO GO – enter here https://rfr.bz/M4od4c9 Are you an Asexual Writer? An Asexual Podcaster? An Asexual Creative? Or an asexual who is into personal development and self development?

Are you an asexual writer who struggles to get book sales, to grow your YouTube channel or podcast?

Or are you an asexual who gets fed up and bored with life and you think there must be more to it and you want to have new experiences and learn some new skills?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re unfamiliar with me and this blog, I’m asexual in sexual orientation and I’m known as the Asexual Entrepreneur.

I’ve been a published Author since 2015, and I specialise in books for asexuals and asexuality since 2017.

I was also a speaker at the UK Asexuality conference in London, in 2018.

I love learning, developing and growing myself into the best version of me and I started to study personal and professional development in 2012, which was when I went to my first ever business seminar in London. It was only then, did I begin my self love journey.

Prior to that time I had suffered with depression, I didn’t like myself or my life.

It was only when I went to that first business seminar, that I began to value myself and my own worth. I realised all the skills, experience, and knowledge I had learnt over the years, that I could use to help others and enrich their lives.

That was the start of my self love journey and my entrepreneur journey. I realised the entrepreneur journey wasn’t easy, and if people did that journey just for money, it would be short lived. I realised the entrepreneur life was one which was truly life transforming, as it required me to get out of my comfort zone, stretch me, and give me purpose and meaning in life, when I had none before.

I feel in part, that I owe my life to entrepreneurship, because it’s not about the money, but about the journey and the person you become in obtaining things you never felt possible before. It’s the journey that truly changes your life.

So I want to be able to help you to truly transform your own life if you’re not happy with it, if you feel stuck, depressed, insignificant – because you are NOT insignificant, you matter and you matter a lot.

That’s why I do this blog, and it’s why I would love for you to win one of these VIP tickets to this Bootcamp, because I believe it will be a truly transformational life experience like no other (I went to the last one and it was mind-glowingly good) and there is still time to get your entry in.

As this is a competition that’s been launched with less than 48 hours to enter, it means there is less entrants than if it had run for a week, so there is more chance of you winning, and you get 2 chances of winning as there are 2 VIP tickets up for grabs, which are free for you if you win one of them (value is CA $145).

So don’t delay, enter now, as the competition closes tonight, Tuesday 11th of October, at 11.59pm BST (GMT + 1). Go here to enter https://rfr.bz/M4od4c9 you can enter with name and email, or enter via Facebook.

All VIP ticket holders get full access to the replays for free in a private members area after the event, so if you can’t attend all 3 days of the Bootcamp this weekend, Fri 14th – Sun 16th of October, you can watch them afterwards, no problem.

I’m attending all 3 days of this Bootcamp, I marked out time on my calendar for it ages ago when I bought my ticket (I got 2 for the price of 1 tickets on an early bird deal – hence why in effect I bought one of the VIP tickets for you.) But I paid for mine, I didn’t get it for free. Because I still think it’s worth paying for, that’s how fabulous the last one was, and I paid double the price I paid for the first one.

Watch the video below if you want to see everything that’s included in the Bootcamp, and enter the competition here https://rfr.bz/M4od4c9

The more you share the Bootcamp with a link you get when you enter, the more points you receive, and the higher number of points you get the more chances you have of winning.

Just imagine one of these VIP tickets could be yours. Enter now here https://rfr.bz/M4od4c9 with less than 7 hours to go, I wouldn’t overthink it, I would just do it, because you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

* More happiness.
* More fulfillment.
* More joy.
* More abundance.
* Increase your life skills.
* Increase you business skills which are transferable.
* Make new connections you can just vibe with.
* Gain new potential partnerships.
* Be around like minded people who lift you up and validate your value.

Or at least that is how the last Bootcamp was for me, and I believe this one can be for you too. I got podcast interviews from it, about my asexuality, which was super valuable for me and the asexual community, bringing asexuality to a whole new entrepreneur audience. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to enter though, you just have to want to attend and enjoy it, and be willing to learn to get the most and best out of it.

So enter now, here https://rfr.bz/M4od4c9

And if you win, I will see you there.

Much love as always, Sandra xx

How I Met And Spoke To Queen Elizabeth II

When I met Queen Elizabeth

Yesterday, I woke up crying, as it was Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. May her soul rest in peace.

In 2013, I was fortunate enough to meet and speak with HM Queen Elizabeth ll at St James’s Palace in London. So I felt I had some personal connection to her.

In the early hours of yesterday before I went to sleep, I went live on my Asexualise YouTube channel to tell the full story of how I met Her Majesty The Queen. You can view this episode by watching the video below, or by clicking through the link here https://youtu.be/sto9lXLt_N8 (Trigger Warning suicide mention!)

It was January 2013, around 7pm, when I had finished work and was on my way home, that I saw someone walking across the bridge at the end of Fore Street in my city of Exeter, in the UK.

She was looking down over the edge, and looked like she was about to jump.

I walked towards her softly so as not to startle her.

We got into conversation about why she wanted to end her life.

I thought it was because of a particular reason and I was correct. A reason I cannot divulge, to respect her privacy.

She agreed I could phone the police, as I held her up against the rock face by one hand and phoned the police on my mobile with the other hand.

The police called for an ambulance.

But by the time I had got her to change her mind about jumping, she had crept down the rock face too far to get back up and she had drunk too much alcohol for me to pull her back up as she was too heavy, and I would have gone over her head first into the water under the bridge as it was flooded because of the rain.

I was unable to continue to hold her up as she was not able to hold herself against the rock face any longer, and she plummeted into the water head first.

Still with the police on the phone, I rushed across the bridge and down the bank and straight into the water with my coat and work suit on and lifted her head and nose out of the water so she could breathe.

I saw her in the hospital the next day, with a dislocated pelvis and damage to her arm. But she was alive and would recover in 6 months.

But by April, she was walking again using a stick, as we met up.

And some time later she fully recovered.

This article below, was in my local paper for saving her life.

Sandra refused to let bridge jumper die

I was a Health Buddy at the time for community service volunteers (CSV) in association with BBC Radio Devon.

CSV Certificate Of Achivement For Saving Someone's LIfe

They gave me a certificate of achievement for saving her life.

And the person whose life I saved, put me forward for a Good Citizen’s Award, which Devon and Cornwall Police gave me at an awards ceremony.

That year it was CSV’s 50th Anniversary, so I was one of only 4 members of CSV South West region, to be invited to St James’s Palace to meet and speak with HM Queen Elizabeth II. Only 2 out of the 4 got chosen to speak to her, and I was one of those people. The other person had left their position at CSV, so did not go.

Invitation to St James's Palace


Meeting and speaking to Queen Elizabeth

Sandra Met HM Queen Elizabeth

I told Queen Elizabeth that I was a Health Buddy for CSV and I got a Good Citizen’s Award for savings someone’s life.

She said, “That’s Good.”

As her husband was alive but poorly at the time and was meant to be there also, but wasn’t, I asked her how he was, and she said, “He is doing well and at Sandringham.”

That was it.

Short and sweet. Just like her.

I thought she was even more beautiful in real life, that her photos. And down to Earth.

The Palace was huge and had a real throne.

I loved that time with her and the whole experience.

It’s a found memory I will cherish forever, and honour until I die and beyond.

Queen Elizabeth passed away at 96 years old. The same age as my Grandma, when she died in 2014.

Queen Elizabeth was also the same star sign as me, a Taurus, and I love that.

I could not watch the funeral as it was way too upsetting for me, and one of my asexual friends arrived back in the UK, in my city, from Hong Kong yesterday, and she really needed my help to move her stuff into her new student accommodation, so I agreed.

It was good for me to help a friend who was also really happy to see a friendly and familiar face after a 13 hour flight, and delays and cancellations to public transport due to the funeral in London, rather than me sat blubbering in my flat all day.

I also wanted to remember the Queen Elizabeth as she was.

As always, stay ACE.


Sandra xx

(P.S. I realised by the time I finished writing this, I didn’t publish it until Wed 21st of Sept, at 00.50am, so saying it was yesterday I woke up crying, was factually inaccurate from when I published it, but not when I actually started to write this post. 19th of September2022, was the actual funeral day, so I woke up crying on that day.)