What Activities Do Asexuals Do At Asexual Meetups?

What Activities Do Asexuals Do At Asexual Meetups?

What Activities Do Asexuals Do At Asexual Meetups?

If you didn’t already know, I hold asexual meetups in my city of Exeter, in the UK. I hold both national ones where people come from all over the UK to them, as well as local ones. The furthest someone has travelled so far is from Newcastle and it took him 11 hours on a coach and that was just one way – yep, he had to do that going home too!

So if you are looking for asexual meetup ideas and to know what type of thing is on offer at an asexual meetup, what activities do asexuals do at asexual meetups?

On the 8thof September 2018, I had an asexual meetup in my city (incidentally, none of the people who came lived in my city and 2 stayed in hotels), and 4 of us went VR Gaming (Virtual Reality Gaming). In this video I go behind the scenes of me doing VR Gaming, which I absolutely loved! I went on to achieve the highest overall group score of 9300, and for someone like me, who does not do gaming, I was very proud of myself! One of my asexual friends who did gaming after me, filmed me live! Here is that video:

I am also super excited, because on Sunday 18thof November, I will be having another asexual meetup and we are meeting at midday for lunch and going for a meal at a beautiful Chinese restaurant in my city called Tang Shian and at 5pm it’s the Christmas light switch on, and there will be live bands outdoors and other activities on to celebrate and the Christmas Market is open! Other meetup organisers have included going to Christmas markets too, at their meets.

We ate at that Chinese Restaurant, we we’re going to this Sunday, last time we had a meetup in my city.

Previous meets in my city included going to for a tour around Exeter Underground Passages, going to the history museum and going to a Harry Potter theme style bar in my city. Exeter Cauldron Inn – Mugglers Bar.  And here is someone doing a video tour of the whole place…

And many times we have met up for food, drink and chat, at a Wetherspoons pub, as they tend to cater to everyone’s dietary requirements.

And many times we have met up for food, drink and chat, at a Wetherspoons pub, as they tend to cater to everyone’s dietary requirements.

I know other meetups by other organisers have included trips abroad, picnics, a retro clothing shopping experience, movie and popcorn night, board games night, boat trips, and many other things. Different food and drinks outlets, such as restaurants, coffee shops, and other places, feature highly as favourite places to go to at many asexual meetups.

What asexual meetups have you been to, and what was your experience of them?

Until next time, stay ace!

Sandra xx