10 Ways How To Stop Feeling Lonely At Christmas

How To Stop Being Lonely At Christmas

Christmas can be a lonely time for many asexuals, especially if all your friends are partnered with other people, are seeing their families, and if you feel you don’t quite fit into your own family dynamic or have the Christmas spirit within you.

First of all, you don’t have to be religious to celebrate Christmas, you can just love celebrating life and the fact you are living. You can make Christmas you very own special time, to just enjoy the festive break and make it a happy occasion for you.

Here are 10 Ways How To Stop Feeling Lonely At Christmas!

  1. Fill your day with things you love to do, whether that is going for a walk, watching your favourite movies one after the other, or reading a book. Christmas time is a chance to make time to do what you love and to make yourself feel great about being you and your life.
  2. Go out on a self-date to a local restaurant or pub, many are open for the Christmas period, as it tends to be their busiest time. You don’t have to drink alcohol to have a great time.
  3. Treat yourself to something nice, whether that is your favourite chocolate bar, your favourite perfume, or a bubble bath. Spoil yourself.
  4. Connect with others on social media, by phone, video chat or text. Especially with others who are on their own and also may be feeling lonely. Post on social media, such as on Facebook, and especially in asexual groups, asking if anyone else would like to message, phone, or video chat with you. There’s bound to be someone who feels the same way as you.
  5. Change your state to one of happy, positive and upbeat, so you are enjoying yourself and having fun, rather than focusing on being alone. Play your favourite video games that make you feel great, dance around your home to your favourite tracks, watch motivational and inspirational videos on YouTube. (Also comment on YouTube videos and have comment chats with other YouTubers by replying to their comments!)
  6. Use this time for learning. Watch educational videos that teach you a new life skill, or take an online course, so you keep your mind occupied and off the feeling of being lonely.
  7. Go and visit a friend, relative, or go and see someone else, such as an elderly person, who is also on their own at Christmas and make their Christmas feel special.
  8. Look for meetup groups on https://www.meetup.com that meet up on Christmas Day, Boxing Day – they do have some, and be prepared to travel to them to be around other people.
  9. Book a trip away. Being in different surroundings, can be invigorating and re-energising – Making you feel great!
  10. Do something productive. Write that book you have always been wanting to write. Write in your journal. Write your goals for next year with a plan of how to achieve each one. Write that blog post you have always been wanting to write but not had the time for – or start a blog for free, if you haven’t already at www.wordpress.com Then look for other blog posts in your ‘Reader’ feature, allow other people to follow you, and follow other bloggers and comment on their posts and on other people’s comments, to make blogging friends, so you always have someone to chat to online.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article about 10 Ways How To Stop Feeling Lonely At Christmas, if you have, give it some like love. If you have any other ideas, please share them below.

Wishing you a fabulous and very Happy Christmas.

Lots off acey love

Sandra xxxxxxxx


Why’s It So Hard To Be Happy? Asexual Question #askmeanything #asexuality #asexual

Many asexuals struggle with depression and anxiety, but why? Why do asexuals and indeed many other people struggle and think, why’s it so hard to be happy?

If you missed my 3 hour LIVE stream last night on my www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife channel, I reveal the answer to this and give you tools and techniques for overcoming depression and setting yourself up for happiness for life. I explain exactly why people find it hard to be happy and how you can be happy, here it is https://youtu.be/KinV4dTzsG0

(Don’t forget to subscribe.)

Following on from that, and re-emphasising what I was saying on my Live Stream, here is Adam Roa – In this video he is exactly damn right about how to be happy!

👉 Have Depression or Anxiety? 😢 My autobiographical Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook can help you. This Book Is Excellent For Overcoming Depression and Decreasing Anxiety, even if you don’t have fibro, because in this book I show you exactly how to overcome depression and reduce anxiety, and the principles for this are the same even if you don’t have fibromyalgia. You will learn lots of useful ways to manage your mental health better. (ACE FIBRO GIRL) Asexuality is mentioned in this book .😍KINDLE https://amzn.to/2ru59YG PAPERBACK https://amzn.to/2K2JI7m 😍KINDLE (UK) https://amzn.to/2Q9Ac66 PAPERBACK https://amzn.to/2CuL72q

FREE Authenticity Summit With Asexuality And Embrace Your Quirky Expert Sandra Bellamy – How To Break Free From Your Past And Live Your Truth!


Fly Experts Summit

I’m thrilled to be one of the 78 experts speaking at the Authenticity Global Online Summit, with Freestyle Your Life (FLY)! Over the course of the summit, you discover how to break free from your past, heal your wounds, and live as authentic you, (in all your asexual glory). Something I know many asexuals struggle with. This 7 day event is absolutely free to attend, and videos will be able to be viewed for 24 hours only, with the opportunity to purchase all talks on video and audio.

I am friends with the event organiser and host, and her own story of her battle with cancer and how she overcame it, by discovering how to be her true authentic self, and live life on her own terms, is truly inspirational and exceptional, she literally lives and breathes what she teaches. I know if anyone can help you to be your true authentic quirky self, she can.

Are Your Thoughts….?

  • …I could have done better in life
  • …I have to be popular with everyone
  • …I have to meet the expectations of others
  • …I don’t live as I thought I was going to
  • …I still regret what happened in the past
  • …I’m worried about my future
  • …I feel I’m not enough

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the FLY – Freestyle Your Life Authenticity Week Online Summit 2019, from 9th-15th of Dec, is for you! The FLY Authenticity Week Online Summit 2019 🎬 is revealing the best tips and strategies of the most amazing experts on authenticity and self-realisation and I am thrilled to be part of it – I am sharing my personal Asexuality story on day 4, which is the 12th of December, make sure that date is in your diary! Nobody should be ruling your life, but YOU ❣ On the FLY – Summit, you’ll learn how to break free from limiting beliefs, past conditioning which no longer serves you, and to heal emotional wounds; and how to implement it all in your life, and in your business if you have one! 🍀

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • ❣Learn how to break free from whatever sucks in your life
  • Learn how to discover your WHY and live your purpose
  • Learn to become conscious and find your authentic self
  • Learn how to liberate from the curse of being not enough
  • Learn how to stop living your past life over and over again
  • Learn how to turn sacrifice into self-LOVE
  • Learn how to stop self-sabotaging thoughts & behaviour once and for all!
  • Learn how to thrive vs. just survive, and live funny and prosper
  • ❣Learn how to reduce stress and heal your emotional wounds
  • ❣Learn how to restyle your life on your own authentic terms
  • ❣Learn how to transform and turn your dream into a reality
  • ❣Learn how to tap into your genius; to thrive personally and as an entrepreneur
  • ❣Learn how to find your voice and grow and monetise your business
  • ❣Learn how to put yourself into the driver’s seat and live your purpose

And so much more!

This is the first international conference worldwide of its type, featuring 78 authentic and awesome experts and speakers, sharing their immense wisdom and best tips to guide you to becoming authentically YOU. I am so proud to be part of it, especially as I am talking about asexuality to a global audience. Don’t miss this life-changing event for free, it will be well worth your time! You can view the summit by signing up at https://academy.freestyle-your-life.com/Sandrabellamy/2 to receive the email for each day’s event. You get a complete ‘Authenticity Training Blueprint‘ you can follow to break free from whatever sucks at the Status Quo, so you can finally evolve in your life. When you implement the wisdom shared by 78 amazingly authentic and highly inspirational experts & speakers, you can rise and show up as the authentic being you were always born to be; owning who you truly are 🎬🔝. This is not just an interview series, but all interviews and days are built upon each other and are a summarised representation of pure wisdom and mentorship of 78 experts to transform you into the authentic self 🍀. Freestyle-Your-Life is a way of living life on your own authentic terms after pressing Reset and getting rid of all that sucks in your life, so you can truly be the quirky you, you were always born to be, with all your quirky individuality! 😎 I highly recommending attending this event, and you don’t have much time left to register before the even starts on the 9th of December, so sign up here now https://academy.freestyle-your-life.com/Sandrabellamy/2

If you can’t make all the sessions, no problem, you won’t be able to see the event for that day, after 24 hours has passed, but you can view the next one within 24 hours of it going live. Personally, I would turn off the TV and refrain from playing video games for a week, and spend that time watching the summit, because you will learn so much more about life and business to develop and grow yourself to be the best version of you, and that’s more important. You can do those another time, but this is just for 7 days only and I would hate you to miss out on this opportunity. Personal and professional development, helped to free me of depression which I had since a kid, so I always can’t recommend it enough. I know the event organiser has put so much time, energy, and effort into the summit, to help you to become your true authentic self and really wants to make a change in thousands of live. If you want to see the summit but you can’t do that for whatever reason – especially with work, you can also purchase the recordings to the entire event, at a highly reduced price, before the summit even starts with the EarlyBird pricing offer (well worth it)!  78 experts, for a fraction of the cost it would be to buy their mentorship and coaching on an individual basis! Sign up here before this offer is gone for good https://academy.freestyle-your-life.com/Sandrabellamy/2

Don’t forget I will be sharing my personal Asexuality story on day 4 of the event, which is on the 12th of December – Learn From Heroic Life Journeys. I’m super excited about that!

As always, stay ACE

Sandra xx