Asexual Meetup Mastery And How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup #asexual #courses #meetups

Hi my ACE friend, 

Asexual Meetup Mastery is THE complete step-by-step system, that I have especially created for any asexual who wants to organise their own asexual meetups, but who doesn’t have a clue where to start, or they tried before and failed miserably. Because they didn’t have the right tools, strategies and resources, to make organising and hosting their own asexual meetups, a piece of cake.

It took me 6 months to create this Asexual Meetup Mastery course, and is everything you need to know about how to organise and hold your own asexual meetups, and ensure they’re super successful, even if you’ve never held a meetup in your life, or you’ve tried before and failed.

I see so many potential amazingly good asexual meetup organisers, who post about a meetup, and they get no responses, and this breaks my heart… Because I can see where they are going wrong right away. But it’s not enough to just say to them, you are doing this bit wrong, because unless they have a complete system in place, that shows them exactly how to arrange asexual meetups, and what to say and do, every step of the way, in a step-by-step strategic manner, they still won’t get the results they want, and fail. They need to follow the complete system I teach in Asexual Meetup Mastery, step-by-step. From what they say in their initial post, to what they say in private messages to people, through to how they need to approach asexuals differently on different platforms. As every platform where asexuals spend their time, speaks a different language. And the way you approach someone who has autism, in private message for example, is a different way, to how you would approach the general asexual population in a group, or forum. These all require slightly different methods.

Asexual Meetup Mastery walks you though exactly how to promote your meetups on 5+ platforms, to get asexuals to attend your meetups. It shows you how to get asexuals from places like Facebook groups, Asexualitic, and it also shows you how to get them through and how to set up a profile there.

As meetups are predominantly used for socialising with other asexuals, and it’s called social media for a reason – you need to use it to socialise with other asexuals, and get them to know, like and trust you, enough to come to an asexual meetup. This course is not suitable for you, if you are someone who hates using any forms social media. But if you just don’t like one social media platform, there are others to choose from. However, the more places you advertise your meetups, the more likely you are to achieve getting more people to come to your asexual meetups. So your success, largely depends on you. If you are not prepared to put the time, energy, or effort in, that it takes to organise, co-ordinate, and host an asexual meetup, this course wouldn’t be for you. It takes time, patience, understanding, persistence and dedication, to pull off hosting asexual meetups and expand them.

But if you are someone who is prepared to do whatever it takes to meet other asexuals, either face-to-face or online, then Asexual Meetup Mastery is the perfect solution, of showing you exactly how to do that! Step-by-step – every step of the way.

You may need to get out of your comfort zone. Nothing different comes from staying within it. If you are naturally introverted, you need to think of being an asexual meetup organiser, as a facilitator. You are bringing people of your own kind together, to have more close connection with each other, to not feel so lonely, left-out, or isolated. You are giving them a lifeline, when many others don’t, and that lifeline may just be what they need, to stop them feeling left-out, lonely and in emotional pain. To stop their suicidal thoughts, because they know someone gives a s–t about them, and cares for them.

Asexual meetups mean so much to me, without them, I would still be feeling all alone, even though asexuals are available to message online, it’s not the same as interacting with them face-to-face. I wanted to meet asexuals in real-life, that would solidify asexuality for me, in real-world experiences, offline. I wanted a deeper connection. I meet my two best friends through them, and other friends too.

2 things change your life:

  1. Either something new comes into your life, to change it in someway, that could be good or bad. That change happens to you, whether you like it or not…
  2. Something new comes from within you. You change you, you change your circumstances, you change your life. You realise no one else is going to do this for you, and it’s better to change your life for yourself, than have change plonked upon you.

So I would encourage you to get Asexual Meetup Mastery. Rather than look back on your life, at the end of it, with regrets, at what you didn’t do.

When you get this course, you make a one-time only investment payment, and have my ongoing support for life. Anytime you are taking the course, you can message me.

Once you have these skills, you have them for life, and can adapt them for any meetup you want.

My best friend Sam bought the course, and you can see Sam’s video testimonial about my asexual meetups, from the UK Asexuality Conference, in the video below, or here

When Sam first got the course, they were messaging me how to do this and that. I kept replying… it’s in the course… That’s in the course too… Yes, I go through that in the course as well… Everything you need is in the course. They realised when going through the course, they can use the information in this course, to organise asexual meetups, and other meetups too. Such as mental health support. Which is something they are very passionate about.

💜 Order Asexual Meetup Mastery 👉 and get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜

But… If you only ever want to arrange and hold Online Asexual Meetups, get How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup. Order from the checkout here now

These also include, my 30 DAY ACE Satisfaction Guarantee, or your money back. So you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Order Asexual Meetup Mastery, now, h

There’s 20 parts to ASEXUAL MEETUP MASTERY. With 107 lessons in total. Which includes 79 videos in the main course, and 1 video in Bonus Part 18. As well as 15 videos in MEGA BONUS Part 20, as explained above. Making a total of 95 videos. It also includes 6 downloadable handouts in the main course, 1 download in Bonus Part 18, and 1 download in Bonus Part 19. And 4 downloads in MEGA BONUS Part 20, as explained above. Making 12 downloadable handouts in total.

Here’s a reminder of everything you are getting with Asexual Meetup Mastery right now –

When You Order Asexual Meetup Mastery Video Training Course, Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Right Now!

PART 1 – Welcome – About Asexual Meetup Mastery Course

 Revealed to you… the one that can make all the difference!

PART 2 – How To Be A Master Without Disaster

 Unlock the magical ingredients you need to succeed, at organising and hosting your own asexual meetups.

 Discover the 4 keys to thrive and flourish as an asexual meetup organiser.

 Uncover the two key factors, that make or break your asexual meetup success.

 Discover the Fantastic 5 places you can find asexual attendees for your meetup. So you aren’t left hanging at the bar all alone, watching the clock tick by, thinking WTF is everyone?

PART 3 – Asexual Meetups And Your 5 Ways To Wellbeing

 Uncover your 5 ways to wellbeing.

 Discover how asexual meetups improve each of these 5 aspects of your life. Both for you and your attendees.

 Revealed… the confidence competence loop. How you can use it to get ahead, in your meetups and your life. And reduce any anxiety you may be feeling.

 Uncover the things you must take notice of, if you want to make sure your meetups are super successful.

 Discover the power of giving. And what it can do for you and your attendees.

PART 4 – Essential Qualities You Need As An Organiser And How To Get Started

 Revealed, the must know dos and don’t of asexual meetup mastery.

 Discover the best times and days, for your asexual meetups. To ensure people show up and want to be there.

 Uncover major date blunders, which could spell disaster for your meetups.

 Discover different types of meetups to hold and to avoid. The good, and the horrifying! Save yourself pain and time, with these ideas.

 Uncover the major differences between national and local meetups.

 Revealed… how to go that extra mile to ensure people show up and want to be at your meetup.

 Discover how to create a safe environment for those with anxiety. To prevent them from panicking, so they feel happy to come to your meetups, instead of dreading them.

PART 5 – Examples Of Previous Asexual Meetups And Things You Need To Know

 Revealed… the one embarrassing mistake to avoid, which could ruin your entire meetup..

 Uncover what you need to know about ‘different’ meetups.

 Revealed… which are the most popular types of meetups for asexuals.

 Uncover how to cater for introverts who attend your meetups.

 Learn how to cater for those with health conditions such as CFS, (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)

 Discover how your attendees can get cheap train tickets and accommodation, to encourage them to attend.

 Learn how to cater for special dietary requirements to be fully inclusive.

PART 6 – How To Gain Commitment To Ensure People Show Up

 Revealed… the #1 thing you need to check, before you invite people to attend your meetup. Get this wrong, and it could spell disaster.

 Revealed… the #1 mistake other meetup organisers are making, which encourages non-commitment. If people aren’t showing up to your meetups, this is why!

 Discover the one thing you must always do, to ensure you gain commitment, and people show up to your meetups!

 Learn how to be inclusive when arranging your meetups.

PART 7 – How To Organise An Asexual Meetup – Asexual Meetup Walk Through In Real Time

 Uncover multiple must know mistakes to avoid when choosing the day, date and time for your meetup. This important information, is the difference between people showing up and enjoying themselves, or no one showing up at all.

 Discover why it’s important to book the venue in advance, and the problems of not doing so.

 Watch me book the venue for a real life meetup, in real time, to see how it’s done the right way.

 Learn how to create your ideal meetup script using a real life example, in real time.

 Discover meetup script tops tips for success, and a small detail to pay attention to, that can make all the difference. Miss this small detail out, and you could end up with asexuals going to the wrong venue and being extremely angry with you.

 Watch me uncover your ideal asexual meetup script checklist for success. And two embarrassing mistakes to avoid.

 Learn how to pre-empt objections, to solve problems BEFORE they even become one.

 Get my full Asexual Meetup Script Checklist With Template PDF download.

 Learn how to instill confidence, to make your potential attendees far more likely to attend.

PART 8 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Facebook – Pages And Groups

 Learn best practices, for how to post about your asexual meetup on your personal Facebook profile.

 Explore asexual meetup groups, and best practice for preparing to create your own.

 Discover 3 ways how to create a Facebook Group for your meetup, and things you need to know to make it a success.

 Uncover the important features of a Facebook Group and how to best manage it.

 Get done for you, questions for asexual group admittance. This is a download for you to use, to help you avoid an unwanted guest.

 Learn how to promote your asexual meetup, the right way in your Facebook Group/s.

 Learn how to create a Get-Together in your group/s, for your meetup.

 Get Asexualise Academy editable WORD template download, for posting about your meetup to your Facebook profile, Facebook Groups and Pages, site groups and forums. Delete and amend as appropriate. It’s that simple.

 Discover how to create a Facebook page for your meetup.

 Learn how to sell tickets for your meetup, free or paid. If you want to.

 Discover important things you need to know about posting your meetup to a Facebook page, to avoid an unwanted guest.

 Learn how to create an event for your meetup, on your Facebook page.

 Revealed… an example of what a good asexual meetup facebook Page looks like, so you can learn what works.

 Discover how to ensure your meetup post gets noticed.

PART 9 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Asexualitic And Get People To Attend

 Learn about Asexualitic. And important things you need to know about the site, as a meetup organiser.

 Explore an asexual meetup group and what to do to gain commitment.

 Discover how to create a group for your meetup on Asexualitic, and a word of warning.

 Uncover an example of a good meetup group description.

 Learn how to add a post to a group forum.

 Discover how to private message forum group members, and exactly what to say, to encourage them to attend.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Templates For Asexualitic Private Messaging. Done for you download.

 Exploring Asexualitic profiles, and important things you need to know about them.

 Discover how to find members in your local area or country, to message to come to your meetups.

 Learn how to best promote your meetup on your Asexualitic profile, without full membership.

PART 10 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Twitter And Get More People To Attend

 Learn how to promote your meetup on Twitter. And important things you need to know.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable Word Template For Twitter. Done for you, download.

PART 11 – How To Maintain Commitment From Attendees

 Learn the right way to follow up with asexual meetup attendees before the meetup, to ensure they still attend.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Template Facebook Messenger Follow Up Script. Done for you, download.

PART 12 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Ace-book And Get People To Attend

 Explore features of an Ace-book profile.

 Learn how to create a blog post for your meetup.

 Learn how to create an Event for your meetup on Ace-book, and mistakes to avoid.

 Learn how to create a new topic in a forum on Ace-book, for your meetup.

 Discover the best way to message strangers on Ace-book to get them to attend your meetup.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Template Script For Ace-book. Done for you, download.

 Uncover the power of messaging someone who wants to attend your meetup, and how to avoid spamming.

PART 13 – How To Promote Your Meetup On (AVEN) And Get People To Attend

 Learn how to promote your meetup on AVEN for maximum impact.

 Discover how to check existing meetup threads for meetups already in your area, so you avoid holding yours at the same time.

 Explore further, how my first asexual meetup happened. So you can learn what to do and not to do.

 Discover what problems you can encounter when organising asexual meetups, so you know how to deal with them.

 Learn how to reply to posts on AVEN.

 Discover how to start a new forum topic for your meetup.

 Learn how to post your meetup on your personal profile for maximum exposure.

 Discover how to private message people on AVEN. And be proactive, for maximum attendance.

PART 14 – How To Promote Your Meetup on Meetup(.com) And Get People To Attend

 Explore the purpose of Meetup website, and a message of caution.

 Learn how to create an account on Meetup and important things you need to know.

 Discover how to create a profile on Meetup to best utilise its helpful features, for maximum meetup exposure.

 Explore the benefits of Meetup Pro and how it can benefit you and your meetups.

 Learn how to best manage your account, email updates, settings, and notifications. So you can keep track of all Meetup activity relevant to you and your meetups.

 Discover how to join existing asexual meetup groups and related groups. For your own personal benefit, and the benefit of your own meetups.

 Explore a different type of meetup group, as an example of an enticing group description. So you can get ideas for your own meetup, to encourage more people to attend.

 Explore an example of a good welcome message, which is especially encouraging to those who have anxiety or special needs. So you can be inclusive.

 Learn how to start your own meetup group on Meetup website, and important things you must know before you get started.

 Explore features of an existing asexual meetup group. So you can learn from the things they are doing right.

 Discover how to best use those features for your own meetup, with more ideas of the types of meetups you can hold.

 Learn how to get suggestions for future meetups, and how to best accommodate different needs.

 Uncover how to get group reviews and encourage attendance.

 Explore meetups for asexuals only, Vs including non-asexuals, so you can make an informed decision whether to include non-asexuals at your meetups, or not.

 Uncover a mistake to avoid, to stop missing out.

PART 15 – How To Promote Your Meetup On ACEapp And Get People To Attend

 Learn the purpose of ACEapp, and how to create the best profile.

 Discover how to find asexuals for your meetup and apply filters.

 Revealed… how to recognise and avoid, scammers and fakes. With a real life example.

 Uncover what other meetup organisers are getting wrong about national Vs local meetups, and what you need to do about it, to gain maximum attendance. If you don’t know what’s wrong, you won’t do what’s right.

 Discover the best techniques for approaching someone on ACEapp to encourage them to attend.

 Revealed… the best way to reply to someone who is autistic, and get them to attend. Using a real life example.

 Discover how and why, it’s important to be a pro organiser Vs passive organiser. And what this means for you.

PART 16 – How To Grow Your Asexual Meetup

 Revealed… how to find different places to go and things to do at your asexual meetups.

 Explore asexual merchandise for your meetups.

PART 17 – Next Steps

 Discover what you should do next, if you want to thrive and flourish as a pro meetup organiser.

PART 18 – BONUS UK Asexuality Conference 2018 – How To Arrange An Asexual Meetup Talk And Notes

 This video is a recording of my 49-minute talk, at the UK Asexuality Conference in London, July 2018. Which explains the what, when, where, how and why, for organising a successful asexual meetup, which ensures people show up!

 How To Arrange An Asexual Meetup, UK Asexuality Conference notes. The foundational roadmap for your meetup success, which makes organising and hosting your meetups, a piece of cake! (These notes were not available as a handout at the Conference; they are exclusive to those who take this course.)

PART 19 – BONUS 156 Places To Go And Things To Do At Asexual Meetups

 Get 156 Ideas For What To Do And Where To Go For Asexual Meetups, And How To Make It A Success. Never be stuck for ideas for asexual meetups ever again, with this done for you, PDF download.


 How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, The Entire Course FREE, Only With Asexual Meetup Mastery.

What You Need To Know About What You’re Getting Right Now, With This FREE MEGA BONUS

How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup

The Only Online Asexual Meetup Course With A Proven 7 Steps Success Blueprint Which Can Be Used For Both Online And In Person Asexual Meetups

PART 1 – 3 Success Indicators You Need To Know To Be Super Successful

 Revealed to you… the 3 Success Indicators. Set yourself up for success from the start. Take the guesswork out of your success with these 3 must know Success Indicators.

PART 2 – Secret 7 Steps Formula For Online Asexual Meetup Success

 Unlock the secret 7 Steps Of Success. These simple steps make arranging and holding asexual meetups, hassle free, and as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. They may be simple, but not obvious.

 Discover the one question you need to ask yourself and focus on first, before you even start arranging your own asexual meetup. Miss this one question out, and it could spell disaster!

 Uncover must know mistakes, before you arrange your own asexual online meetup. These can be the difference between your success and failure.

 Discover the 3 main reasons why people hold asexual meetups, and explore which option is best for you.

 Discover the 3 main methods used to facilitate your online meetup, and identify which one’s best for you.

 Revealed to you… the 3 simple steps to structure your meetup to ensure it’s successful. Without a plan, you won’t reach your destination.

 Revealed… the one thing most people are not doing to gain commitment. Miss this one thing out, and it’s like betting on a horse you’ve never seen race.

 Discover the 3 powerful things you need to say to persuade people to show up. This is how you guarantee commitment and reduce your anxiety.

 What things to include in your online meetup description to ensure your online meetup runs smoothly and it’s super successful. Learn from my mistakes, to save you the embarrassment.

 Done for you, editable meetup description template download. Saving you time working it out on your own.

PART 3 – How To Promote Your Online Asexual Meetup To Ensure People Show Up Including Success Scripts

 Discover multiple ways to promote your online asexual meetup and identify which are best for you.

 Uncover a major mistake to avoid when promoting your asexual meetup. So you avoid an unwanted guest.

 What exact words to use, to persuade people to come to your meetup. Without scaring them away.

 Done for you, editable download script template to encourage attendance. Saving you time working it out on your own.

 Revealed… The little known secret to getting you maximum visibility for your meetup on Asexualitic. Use this powerful technique to gain maximum exposure.

PART 4 – Creating A Skype Group For Your Online Meetup For Zero Cost And Maximum Impact

 Look over my shoulder at exactly how to set up and use a Skype group for your online meetup success. For zero cost and maximum impact.

 Discover the two ways people can join the group.

 Discover important things to say to your attendees, so they are not left speechless and in the dark.

 Revealed… the one embarrassing mistake to avoid, which could ruin your entire meetup.

PART 5 – Success For Life – Secret 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint

 Summarising the 7 Steps Of Success you’ve learnt, for life. These can also be used for an in person meetup, over and over again.

 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint download. Includes the 3 Success Indicators. Takes the guesswork out of any meetup you want to arrange. Keep these handy to ensure any meetup you organise and hold, is super successful.

What Else You Need To Know About What You’re Getting With This MEGA BONUS Right Now

♠ There’s 19 lessons. Which include 15 videos. And 4 downloadable handouts, which are just amazing, as they’re editable scripts. You’ll get my 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint, plus my 3 Success Indicators.

♠ You’ll learn how to promote your online asexual meetup and where to promote it. Including a really, really top tip, which most people don’t know. This top tip will show you how to promote your meetup and get hundreds of eyeballs on it, on a specific site.

♠ The downloads are easily downloadable at the click of a button. So you can print them off. But if privacy’s an issue I go through everything on the screen. So you can take your own notes and hand write your own scripts out, based on what I’m saying in the videos. Without even using the handouts. So everything that you need to know is in the videos.

♠ You’ll be learning an easy to understand step-by-step formula. And you’ll be able to look over my shoulder at how I arrange online asexual meetups for success.

♠ Many of the videos have important written reminders right underneath them. For your ease of understanding of key concepts, for how to make your own online asexual meetups, super successful.

♠ All you need to do is watch the videos as I hand hold you every step of the way, to your online meetup success. Just read the notes beneath the videos. Be able to copy and paste. It’s that simple.

What Else You Need To Know About What You’re Getting With Asexual Meetup Mastery Right Now

♠ You’re going to be learning from a successful and professional asexual meetup organiser. That’s been organising and hosting asexual meetups for over 5 years. That’s me. And asexuals return to my meetups time and time again. So I’m obviously doing something right.

♠ Asexual Meetup Mastery, which currently includes How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course, as a MEGA BONUS, is a video training course, which you get to view in your own private members area on secure Amazon servers, so you can have complete peace of mind.

♠ Asexual Meetup Mastery is not based on theory, but uses a real life meetup example; my bestest friend Sam’s birthday meetup. This is what makes this course so special and unique. And super powerful in enabling you to take the right actions, and avoid the painful mistakes I have made along the way in arranging and holding my own asexual meetups, for the past 5 years.

♠ You get to look over my shoulder as I arrange their birthday meetup, in real time, step-by-step. So you can see exactly what works and what doesn’t. As I hold your hand every step of the way to your own asexual meetup success.

♠ Upon purchase, you get instant access to this course, and its 3 bonuses, for life. 365 days a year. 24/7.

♠ Any future updates for this particular Asexual Meetup Mastery course and its current bonuses, will be free, for you.

♠ Learn from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you can access the site, in your own time, making it really convenient for you.

♠ It’s a one-time investment payment, with access for life. No monthly fees. No yearly fees. Once you have these skills, you have them for life. So you can just continue to do more and more meetups, and be super successful.

♠ Email or chat support. Whilever you are taking the Asexual Meetup Mastery course, you can email me or message me in the chat bubble, about anything to do with this specific course, and any of its bonuses.

(Right now, if you get this Asexual Meetup Mastery course, you can ask me any questions associated with both in person and online asexual meetups, because when order Asexual Meetup Mastery 👉 you get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜 Order here  –  

As Always, stay Ace
Sandra xx

P.S. If you have any questions about these courses, just email me – I am only ever, an email away.

When Disaster Strikes, My Asexual Story – How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup – Asexual Meetup Mastery! Don’t Miss This!

Hi my ACE friend,

I am so excited right now!

I can’t believe we’re finally at this moment, almost a year later, ASEXUAL MEETUP MASTERY is finally ready for you here

I can’t believe I started filming for this course in September 2019, and now, we’re in August 2020. It’s insane how this project just took off and had a mind of its own, and I just couldn’t help adding more and more content to it. Including 3 incredible bonuses. More information about those, are coming up later in this email.

I have put so much time, energy, and effort, into creating this course for you, that now the creation of this course is finally done, I have mixed emotions. I feel both glee and joy in my heart, knowing the phenomenal amount of asexuals this course is going to bring together, and the lives it will change and profoundly impact, but also a sense of sadness, like I am losing an old friend I have known and worked with, so hard for a year right now!

It’s a BIG moment, because I know many of you have been waiting for this course to come out, and asking me when it’s going to be ready, because I know despite being very enthusiastic to get started, you have been stuck as to how to get people to come to your meetups, and commit to showing up, and following through. You have been worried about what to say, without scaring them away. And you have been scratching your head as to where and how to promote your meetups to best effect. You don’t want the pain of making embarrassing mistakes, and having no one show up, or no one even taking an interest in the first place.

I also know many of you are fed up with feeling lost, alone, and disconnected from others of our own kind. You want to be able to meet with other asexuals, in person, or at least face-to-face on video chat. But you have been too scared to take the plunge and do it, because you just didn’t have the right knowledge, know-how, tools, and resources, at your fingertips, to do it… But now, you do!

I know you are perfectly competent and able to do it, you just need someone to SHOW you the right way, HOW to do it. And also get that constant support by email, or live chat, that you need, when you have any further questions, or doubt yourself… for life. Priceless.

So if you’re done with struggling working out how to arrange a successful asexual meetup, either online, or in person, on your own. You feel you are not progressing and you know you need some help, because you don’t know what else to do, and you’re ready to say YES…

YES, to getting the help you need, arranging and holding your own online or in person meetups, for life.
YES, to ending going it alone, which hasn’t got you very far up until now.
YES, to living a more fulfilled, happy, and satisfying, asexual life, of your dreams.

Asexual Meetup Mastery, which took me over 6 months to create, with over 70, almost 80 videos, besides bonuses and resources to download, also includes a MEGA BONUS right now – The entire, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, course, as a FREE bonus.  So that is two courses, for the price of the Asexual Meetup Mastery course.

If you want to hold both in person and online meetups, you need to get Asexual Meetup Mastery, now.  💜 Order Asexual Meetup Mastery here 👉 and get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜

If you only ever want to hold online meetups, you need to get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, course. 👉 From my Asexualise Academy course page here – 😍

Don’t miss out 😢 on this opportunity of a lifetime and a lifeline.

Both of these courses also includes my 30 DAY ACE Satisfaction Guarantee, or your money back. So you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. 

There’s 20 parts to ASEXUAL MEETUP MASTERY. With 107 lessons in total. Which includes 79 videos in the main course, and 1 video in Bonus Part 18. As well as 15 videos in MEGA BONUS Part 20, as explained above. Making a total of 95 videos. It also includes 6 downloadable handouts in the main course, 1 download in Bonus Part 18, and 1 download in Bonus Part 19. And 4 downloads in MEGA BONUS Part 20, as explained above. Making 12 downloadable handouts in total.

When You Order Asexual Meetup Mastery Video Training Course, Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Right Now!

PART 1 – Welcome – About Asexual Meetup Mastery Course

 Revealed to you… the one that can make all the difference!

PART 2 – How To Be A Master Without Disaster

 Unlock the magical ingredients you need to succeed, at organising and hosting your own asexual meetups.

 Discover the 4 keys to thrive and flourish as an asexual meetup organiser.

 Uncover the two key factors, that make or break your asexual meetup success.

 Discover the Fantastic 5 places you can find asexual attendees for your meetup. So you aren’t left hanging at the bar all alone, watching the clock tick by, thinking WTF is everyone?

PART 3 – Asexual Meetups And Your 5 Ways To Wellbeing

 Uncover your 5 ways to wellbeing.

 Discover how asexual meetups improve each of these 5 aspects of your life. Both for you and your attendees.

 Revealed… the confidence competence loop. How you can use it to get ahead, in your meetups and your life. And reduce any anxiety you may be feeling.

 Uncover the things you must take notice of, if you want to make sure your meetups are super successful.

 Discover the power of giving. And what it can do for you and your attendees.

PART 4 – Essential Qualities You Need As An Organiser And How To Get Started

 Revealed, the must know dos and don’t of asexual meetup mastery.

 Discover the best times and days, for your asexual meetups. To ensure people show up and want to be there.

 Uncover major date blunders, which could spell disaster for your meetups.

 Discover different types of meetups to hold and to avoid. The good, and the horrifying! Save yourself pain and time, with these ideas.

 Uncover the major differences between national and local meetups.

 Revealed… how to go that extra mile to ensure people show up and want to be at your meetup.

 Discover how to create a safe environment for those with anxiety. To prevent them from panicking, so they feel happy to come to your meetups, instead of dreading them.

PART 5 – Examples Of Previous Asexual Meetups And Things You Need To Know

 Revealed… the one embarrassing mistake to avoid, which could ruin your entire meetup..

 Uncover what you need to know about ‘different’ meetups.

 Revealed… which are the most popular types of meetups for asexuals.

 Uncover how to cater for introverts who attend your meetups.

 Learn how to cater for those with health conditions such as CFS, (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)

 Discover how your attendees can get cheap train tickets and accommodation, to encourage them to attend.

 Learn how to cater for special dietary requirements to be fully inclusive.

PART 6 – How To Gain Commitment To Ensure People Show Up

 Revealed… the #1 thing you need to check, before you invite people to attend your meetup. Get this wrong, and it could spell disaster.

 Revealed… the #1 mistake other meetup organisers are making, which encourages non-commitment. If people aren’t showing up to your meetups, this is why!

 Discover the one thing you must always do, to ensure you gain commitment, and people show up to your meetups!

 Learn how to be inclusive when arranging your meetups.

PART 7 – How To Organise An Asexual Meetup – Asexual Meetup Walk Through In Real Time

 Uncover multiple must know mistakes to avoid when choosing the day, date and time for your meetup. This important information, is the difference between people showing up and enjoying themselves, or no one showing up at all.

 Discover why it’s important to book the venue in advance, and the problems of not doing so.

 Watch me book the venue for a real life meetup, in real time, to see how it’s done the right way.

 Learn how to create your ideal meetup script using a real life example, in real time.

 Discover meetup script tops tips for success, and a small detail to pay attention to, that can make all the difference. Miss this small detail out, and you could end up with asexuals going to the wrong venue and being extremely angry with you.

 Watch me uncover your ideal asexual meetup script checklist for success. And two embarrassing mistakes to avoid.

 Learn how to pre-empt objections, to solve problems BEFORE they even become one.

 Get my full Asexual Meetup Script Checklist With Template PDF download.

 Learn how to instill confidence, to make your potential attendees far more likely to attend.

PART 8 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Facebook – Pages And Groups

 Learn best practices, for how to post about your asexual meetup on your personal Facebook profile.

 Explore asexual meetup groups, and best practice for preparing to create your own.

 Discover 3 ways how to create a Facebook Group for your meetup, and things you need to know to make it a success.

 Uncover the important features of a Facebook Group and how to best manage it.

 Get done for you, questions for asexual group admittance. This is a download for you to use, to help you avoid an unwanted guest.

 Learn how to promote your asexual meetup, the right way in your Facebook Group/s.

 Learn how to create a Get-Together in your group/s, for your meetup.

 Get Asexualise Academy editable WORD template download, for posting about your meetup to your Facebook profile, Facebook Groups and Pages, site groups and forums. Delete and amend as appropriate. It’s that simple.

 Discover how to create a Facebook page for your meetup.

 Learn how to sell tickets for your meetup, free or paid. If you want to.

 Discover important things you need to know about posting your meetup to a Facebook page, to avoid an unwanted guest.

 Learn how to create an event for your meetup, on your Facebook page.

 Revealed… an example of what a good asexual meetup facebook Page looks like, so you can learn what works.

 Discover how to ensure your meetup post gets noticed.

PART 9 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Asexualitic And Get People To Attend

 Learn about Asexualitic. And important things you need to know about the site, as a meetup organiser.

 Explore an asexual meetup group and what to do to gain commitment.

 Discover how to create a group for your meetup on Asexualitic, and a word of warning.

 Uncover an example of a good meetup group description.

 Learn how to add a post to a group forum.

 Discover how to private message forum group members, and exactly what to say, to encourage them to attend.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Templates For Asexualitic Private Messaging. Done for you download.

 Exploring Asexualitic profiles, and important things you need to know about them.

 Discover how to find members in your local area or country, to message to come to your meetups.

 Learn how to best promote your meetup on your Asexualitic profile, without full membership.

PART 10 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Twitter And Get More People To Attend

 Learn how to promote your meetup on Twitter. And important things you need to know.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable Word Template For Twitter. Done for you, download.

PART 11 – How To Maintain Commitment From Attendees

 Learn the right way to follow up with asexual meetup attendees before the meetup, to ensure they still attend.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Template Facebook Messenger Follow Up Script. Done for you, download.

PART 12 – How To Promote Your Meetup On Ace-book And Get People To Attend

 Explore features of an Ace-book profile.

 Learn how to create a blog post for your meetup.

 Learn how to create an Event for your meetup on Ace-book, and mistakes to avoid.

 Learn how to create a new topic in a forum on Ace-book, for your meetup.

 Discover the best way to message strangers on Ace-book to get them to attend your meetup.

 Get Asexual Meetup Mastery Editable WORD Template Script For Ace-book. Done for you, download.

 Uncover the power of messaging someone who wants to attend your meetup, and how to avoid spamming.

PART 13 – How To Promote Your Meetup On (AVEN) And Get People To Attend

 Learn how to promote your meetup on AVEN for maximum impact.

 Discover how to check existing meetup threads for meetups already in your area, so you avoid holding yours at the same time.

 Explore further, how my first asexual meetup happened. So you can learn what to do and not to do.

 Discover what problems you can encounter when organising asexual meetups, so you know how to deal with them.

 Learn how to reply to posts on AVEN.

 Discover how to start a new forum topic for your meetup.

 Learn how to post your meetup on your personal profile for maximum exposure.

 Discover how to private message people on AVEN. And be proactive, for maximum attendance.

PART 14 – How To Promote Your Meetup on Meetup(.com) And Get People To Attend

 Explore the purpose of Meetup website, and a message of caution.

 Learn how to create an account on Meetup and important things you need to know.

 Discover how to create a profile on Meetup to best utilise its helpful features, for maximum meetup exposure.

 Explore the benefits of Meetup Pro and how it can benefit you and your meetups.

 Learn how to best manage your account, email updates, settings, and notifications. So you can keep track of all Meetup activity relevant to you and your meetups.

 Discover how to join existing asexual meetup groups and related groups. For your own personal benefit, and the benefit of your own meetups.

 Explore a different type of meetup group, as an example of an enticing group description. So you can get ideas for your own meetup, to encourage more people to attend.

 Explore an example of a good welcome message, which is especially encouraging to those who have anxiety or special needs. So you can be inclusive.

 Learn how to start your own meetup group on Meetup website, and important things you must know before you get started.

 Explore features of an existing asexual meetup group. So you can learn from the things they are doing right.

 Discover how to best use those features for your own meetup, with more ideas of the types of meetups you can hold.

 Learn how to get suggestions for future meetups, and how to best accommodate different needs.

 Uncover how to get group reviews and encourage attendance.

 Explore meetups for asexuals only, Vs including non-asexuals, so you can make an informed decision whether to include non-asexuals at your meetups, or not.

 Uncover a mistake to avoid, to stop missing out.

PART 15 – How To Promote Your Meetup On ACEapp And Get People To Attend

 Learn the purpose of ACEapp, and how to create the best profile.

 Discover how to find asexuals for your meetup and apply filters.

 Revealed… how to recognise and avoid, scammers and fakes. With a real life example.

 Uncover what other meetup organisers are getting wrong about national Vs local meetups, and what you need to do about it, to gain maximum attendance. If you don’t know what’s wrong, you won’t do what’s right.

 Discover the best techniques for approaching someone on ACEapp to encourage them to attend.

 Revealed… the best way to reply to someone who is autistic, and get them to attend. Using a real life example.

 Discover how and why, it’s important to be a pro organiser Vs passive organiser. And what this means for you.

PART 16 – How To Grow Your Asexual Meetup

 Revealed… how to find different places to go and things to do at your asexual meetups.

 Explore asexual merchandise for your meetups.

PART 17 – Next Steps

 Discover what you should do next, if you want to thrive and flourish as a pro meetup organiser.

PART 18 – BONUS UK Asexuality Conference 2018 – How To Arrange An Asexual Meetup Talk And Notes

 This video is a recording of my 49-minute talk, at the UK Asexuality Conference in London, July 2018. Which explains the what, when, where, how and why, for organising a successful asexual meetup, which ensures people show up!

 How To Arrange An Asexual Meetup, UK Asexuality Conference notes. The foundational roadmap for your meetup success, which makes organising and hosting your meetups, a piece of cake! (These notes were not available as a handout at the Conference; they are exclusive to those who take this course.)

PART 19 – BONUS 156 Places To Go And Things To Do At Asexual Meetups

 Get 156 Ideas For What To Do And Where To Go For Asexual Meetups, And How To Make It A Success. Never be stuck for ideas for asexual meetups ever again, with this done for you, PDF download.


 How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, The Entire Course FREE, Only With Asexual Meetup Mastery.

What You Need To Know About What You’re Getting Right Now, With This FREE MEGA BONUS

How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup

The Only Online Asexual Meetup Course With A Proven 7 Steps Success Blueprint, Which Can Be Used For Both Online And In Person Asexual Meetups

PART 1 – 3 Success Indicators You Need To Know To Be Super Successful

 Revealed to you… the 3 Success Indicators. Set yourself up for success from the start. Take the guesswork out of your success with these 3 must know Success Indicators.

PART 2 – Secret 7 Steps Formula For Online Asexual Meetup Success

 Unlock the secret 7 Steps Of Success. These simple steps make arranging and holding asexual meetups, hassle free, and as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. They may be simple, but not obvious.

 Discover the one question you need to ask yourself and focus on first, before you even start arranging your own asexual meetup. Miss this one question out, and it could spell disaster!

 Uncover must know mistakes, before you arrange your own asexual online meetup. These can be the difference between your success and failure.

 Discover the 3 main reasons why people hold asexual meetups, and explore which option is best for you.

 Discover the 3 main methods used to facilitate your online meetup, and identify which one’s best for you.

 Revealed to you… the 3 simple steps to structure your meetup to ensure it’s successful. Without a plan, you won’t reach your destination.

 Revealed… the one thing most people are not doing to gain commitment. Miss this one thing out, and it’s like betting on a horse you’ve never seen race.

 Discover the 3 powerful things you need to say to persuade people to show up. This is how you guarantee commitment and reduce your anxiety.

 What things to include in your online meetup description to ensure your online meetup runs smoothly and it’s super successful. Learn from my mistakes, to save you the embarrassment.

 Done for you, editable meetup description template download. Saving you time working it out on your own.

PART 3 – How To Promote Your Online Asexual Meetup To Ensure People Show Up Including Success Scripts

 Discover multiple ways to promote your online asexual meetup and identify which are best for you.

 Uncover a major mistake to avoid when promoting your asexual meetup. So you avoid an unwanted guest.

 What exact words to use, to persuade people to come to your meetup. Without scaring them away.

 Done for you, editable download script template to encourage attendance. Saving you time working it out on your own.

 Revealed… The little known secret to getting you maximum visibility for your meetup on Asexualitic. Use this powerful technique to gain maximum exposure.

PART 4 – Creating A Skype Group For Your Online Meetup For Zero Cost And Maximum Impact

 Look over my shoulder at exactly how to set up and use a Skype group for your online meetup success. For zero cost and maximum impact.

 Discover the two ways people can join the group.

 Discover important things to say to your attendees, so they are not left speechless and in the dark.

 Revealed… the one embarrassing mistake to avoid, which could ruin your entire meetup.

PART 5 – Success For Life – Secret 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint

 Summarising the 7 Steps Of Success you’ve learnt, for life. These can also be used for an in person meetup, over and over again.

 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint download. Includes the 3 Success Indicators. Takes the guesswork out of any meetup you want to arrange. Keep these handy to ensure any meetup you organise and hold, is super successful.

What Else You Need To Know About What You’re Getting With This MEGA BONUS Right Now

♠ There’s 19 lessons. Which include 15 videos. And 4 downloadable handouts, which are just amazing, as they’re editable scripts. You’ll get my 7 Steps Of Success Blueprint, plus my 3 Success Indicators.

♠ You’ll learn how to promote your online asexual meetup and where to promote it. Including a really, really top tip, which most people don’t know. This top tip will show you how to promote your meetup and get hundreds of eyeballs on it, on a specific site.

♠ The downloads are easily downloadable at the click of a button. So you can print them off. But if privacy’s an issue I go through everything on the screen. So you can take your own notes and hand write your own scripts out, based on what I’m saying in the videos. Without even using the handouts. So everything that you need to know is in the videos.

♠ You’ll be learning an easy to understand step-by-step formula. And you’ll be able to look over my shoulder at how I arrange online asexual meetups for success.

♠ Many of the videos have important written reminders right underneath them. For your ease of understanding of key concepts, for how to make your own online asexual meetups, super successful.

♠ All you need to do is watch the videos as I hand hold you every step of the way, to your online meetup success. Just read the notes beneath the videos. Be able to copy and paste. It’s that simple.

What Else You Need To Know About What You’re Getting With Asexual Meetup Mastery Right Now

♠ You’re going to be learning from a successful and professional asexual meetup organiser. That’s been organising and hosting asexual meetups for over 5 years. That’s me. And asexuals return to my meetups time and time again. So I’m obviously doing something right.

♠ Asexual Meetup Mastery, which currently includes How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course, as a MEGA BONUS, is a video training course, which you get to view in your own private members area on secure Amazon servers, so you can have complete peace of mind.

♠ Asexual Meetup Mastery is not based on theory, but uses a real life meetup example; my bestest friend Sam’s birthday meetup. This is what makes this course so special and unique. And super powerful in enabling you to take the right actions, and avoid the painful mistakes I have made along the way in arranging and holding my own asexual meetups, for the past 5 years.

♠ You get to look over my shoulder as I arrange their birthday meetup, in real time, step-by-step. So you can see exactly what works and what doesn’t. As I hold your hand every step of the way to your own asexual meetup success.

♠ Upon purchase, you get instant access to this course, and its 3 bonuses, for life. 365 days a year. 24/7.

♠ Any future updates for this particular Asexual Meetup Mastery course and its current bonuses, will be free, for you.

♠ Learn from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you can access the site, in your own time, making it really convenient for you.

♠ It’s a one-time investment payment, with access for life. No monthly fees. No yearly fees. Once you have these skills, you have them for life. So you can just continue to do more and more meetups, and be super successful.

♠ Email or chat support. Whilever you are taking the Asexual Meetup Mastery course, you can email me or message me in the chat bubble, about anything to do with this specific course, and any of its bonuses.

(Right now, if you get this Asexual Meetup Mastery course, you can ask me any questions associated with both in person and online asexual meetups.)

As Always, stay Ace
Sandra xx

P.S. If you missed my personal story about why I started asexual meets in the first place, watch the video on YouTube, called When Disaster Strikes, My Asexual Story, which I have included at the bottom of this blog post or check it out on YouTube here –

The Earlybird offers advertised in this video have now gone. But at the moment, you can still  Order Asexual Meetup Mastery course here 👉 and get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜 So don’t delay, order now, before I change my mind about this bonus.

P.P.S. If you have any questions about these courses, just email me – I am only ever, an email away.


Why We Need More Asexual Meetup Organisers – Asexualise Academy – Asexual Meetup Courses

If you have been part of my ACE community for some time, you will know, I am an asexual Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Coach. I am known as Asexualise, The Asexual Entrepreneur, or ACE Fibro Girl. Or by my birth name Sandra Bellamy, under Quirky Books, which is my own publishing imprint.

My expertise lies firstly, in spreading awareness of asexuality, particularly in context of real life situations. To make it more relatable and easy to understand. And secondly, in helping asexuals to become more comfortable and confident in themselves and with their asexuality. I do this by sharing my own life experience, knowledge, skills, and give you the tools you need to not just survive, but thrive, in this highly sexualised world. Both are equally important to me. 

On July 8th, 2018, I was a speaker at the UK Asexuality Conference, in London. Giving a 49 minute talk about how to organise an asexual meetup for beginners. That talk is currently on my channel for free. Here

Did you know, on that same day, I also launched my Asexualise Academy. Which is the World’s First Online Training Centre And School, For Asexuals And Asexuality. It was a proud moment for both asexuality and me personally.

I have been organising and holding my own asexual meetups, for over 5 years now. I started in January 2015.

You can hear more about how that happened and how asexual meetups truly transformed my life, for the better, forever,

Do not miss this!

Do you…

  • Feel lost, lonely, and misunderstood?
  • Feel like you have no support?
  • Feel like friends, family, and those around you, just don’t get you?
  • Feel isolated from other asexuals and cut off from them?
  • Feel other asexuals are out of reach?
  • Feel frustrated by the lack of asexuals near to where you live?
  • Long to just meet another asexual in person or via video chat? But you don’t know how to go about making this happen? And you’re scared you’ll get it wrong!

Do you…

  • Know asexuals that feel suicidal, because people in their immediate environment are not asexual, and they just don’t understand them. They feel invalidated. They feel bad about themselves and have low self-esteem. (Maybe this is you?)
  • Know asexuals who are in a dark place and depressed state, with little hope the future? (Maybe this is you?)
  • Know asexuals who feel like they don’t belong in this world? They feel like an alien who has lost their spaceship and can’t find their way home? (This was me, before I started organising and holding asexual meetups. It was a very lonely place to be.)

But… If You Ignore The Feeling Of Isolation, Of Disconnection, Of Emptiness, Of Loneliness, And Despair, It Just Gets Worse!

What most people do when feeling lonely, isolated, disconnection, or in despair, they talk to their friends, their family, their loved ones, a therapist, or a medical professional. But for most asexuals, none of that usually works.

  • Many families don’t accept asexuality is real. Those that do accept it don’t fully understand it. (So you’re still left feeling lonely and misunderstood.
  • Friends will often dismiss it, saying you just haven’t found the right person for you yet. (Making you feel misunderstood and invalidated.) Some friends will even feel so uncomfortable, that they change the subject. (And then you feel you can’t be yourself.)
  • Loved ones may not even know you are asexual. They may be really hard to approach. It could cause confrontation. Those who do accept asexuality, and have an understanding towards you, still don’t fully understand asexuality, itself. (So you feel disconnected, alone, and miserable.)
  • As you have seen from the counsellor I had, some therapists don’t accept asexuality and give really bad advice. They won’t even entertain the idea of asexuality, or encourage you to be yourself. Those who do accept it still don’t fully understand it. (So you know no matter what you say, they’ll never really get you. And the loneliness and pain just continues to build, as you’re deeply misunderstood.)
  • Many medical professionals still don’t accept asexuality is real. They think there’s something wrong with your hormones, or your genitalia, or that it’s a result of trauma. Those who do accept it, still usually look at it with a clinical mind. So when you’re talking about your asexuality, they just sit there in deadly silence, and it’s that silence that says it all… (So you continue to feel isolated and in emotional pain.)
  • Can you relate to any of these?Over the years, I’ve interacted with a number of different asexuals, and hands down, those who live a happier, satisfied, and so much more fulfilling life, are those who attend asexual meetups, and those who organise them.

This is because asexual meetups impact asexual lives in such a positive and meaningful way. That truly transforms their life. Here’s how…

  • Asexuals gain understanding, that only comes from being with people of our own kind.
  • Asexuals connect more deeply with other asexuals, because both in person and online meetups allow for that deeper connection, through flowing back and forth conversation, that you can’t get through messaging alone. And because more of the senses are involved. Such as sight. You can see them. You can see their body language, their mannerisms, and how they are in their own environment.
  • The validation from being around asexuals increases confidence and self-esteem. As asexuality becomes more real – it’s solidified by seeing other ‘real life’ asexuals.
  • Asexuals grow their support network of people whom they can talk to about asexuality and other things.
  • Their isolation, loneliness, and despair, just disappears. As they have others who just ‘get’ them, naturally.
  • They make asexual friendships for life. As well as a number of interesting acquaintances.
  • The pressure to conform to social norms, just melts away, as everyone at the meetup is asexual, and on the same page with their understanding of one another, and of asexuality.
  • The relief of being around people who want to be in your company and love and care about you for who you are, gives a massive boost to your self-esteem.
  • The feeling of being in another person’s company, without the ulterior motive of sex, them wanting to jump your bones, or get in your pants, is vanished, in those moments with other asexuals. And that feels so good. It fosters a safe environment, were you can truly be yourself, thrive and flourish, in your own existence. As your beautiful asexual self, you were always born to be.
  • In a highly sexualised world, it’s so comforting to know others feel the same way as you, and you are not alone. This in turns makes you feel so good and happy.
  • Asexuals feel more positive about their asexual self, and life. While being around other asexuals, and staying connected to them.
  • Having like-minded people to share your life and dreams with, gives you hope for the future.

I know what you may also be wondering. Why is this relevant to me?

Because we need more asexual organisers. Which are sadly lacking in numbers, as they are few and far between. This makes getting to one very difficult.

I have asexuals messaging me asking me to do meetups in their area, because they feel lonely, isolated, cut of from other asexuals (despite being in online asexual groups), and they are in a lot of emotional pain, distress and hurt.

But… I live in the UK, and there is only one of me. I can’t possibly get to all the places even in my own country. And it’s better to have someone who becomes a regular and familiar asexual meetup organiser face in their locality. This way they will feel more safer, stable, and confident, in returning to your meetups time and time again.

It’s a two-way street. If you yourself are in pain right now, because you have never met another asexual face-to-face on a video call or in person, now is the time to end that pain. And rather than talk about having no one in your area, you can organise asexual meetups and get people to travel to come to your own meetup.

Being an asexual meetup organiser, is the lifeline you can give to other asexuals and yourself.

If you want a different result in your life, you have to do something different and make the decision to just go for it, and become a meetup organiser. It’s up to you to end your suffering and pain! And I encourage you to help others to do the same.

Here are 3 reasons why mastering organising asexual meetups is an absolute must: 

  1. Asexual meetups give asexuals a feeling of belonging, and of hope. They give them a sense of community, and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger. They give them something to look forward to. This works both ways. If you are feeling lonely or sad, because you aren’t around people of your own kind, it’s time to change that.
  2. Asexual meetups help to stop asexuals feeling suicidal, because they feel like no one understands them. They stop the loneliness and the pain, they give them a lifeline. Being a facilitator to that, will brighten up your own life and world, and make you feel so much happier that you were able to help others. 
  3. Once you have these meetup skills, you have them for life. And never again, will you be able to say you can’t bring people together and you are lonely, because you will have all the skills, knowledge, tools and resources, to do just that, and organise any meetup you like.

There are many more reasons why mastering organising asexual meetups is a must, as you have seen from the points above.

That’s why I created How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup and Asexual Meetup Mastery courses, on Asexualise Academy,  To help you master all of the skills you need to be a professional and confident asexual meetup organiser, and get off to a flying start. With all the tools, resources, and skills, you will ever need, right at your fingertips, for life.

Asexual Meetup Mastery, which took me over 6 months to create, with over 70, almost 80 videos, besides bonuses and resources to download, also includes a MEGA BONUS right now – The entire, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, course, as a FREE bonus.  So that is two courses, for the price of the Asexual Meetup Mastery course.

If you want to hold both in person and online meetups, you need to get Asexual Meetup Mastery, now.  💜 Order Asexual Meetup Mastery here 👉 and get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜

If you only ever want to hold online meetups, you need to get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup, course. 👉 From my Asexualise Academy course page here – 😍

Don’t miss out 😢 on this opportunity of a lifetime and a lifeline.

In the meantime, watch this video to find out – Why We Need More Asexual Meetup Organisers here,

Here are some of the comments in that chat conversation from that discussion on my channel:

Sam M​ Meet ups are good for having supportive people, and helping with self acceptance and understand yourself and the community.

Sam M​ Hey Nic.

Nic Betancourt​hey sam

Megan The Curse​ Oh, heya.

Sam M​ I am planning to start attending LGBT+ meet ups to meet other nonbinary folk, but I’ll mostly run ace ones myself most likely, but may branch out.

Sam M​ I can’t find many.

Megan The Curse​ That’s true

Nic Betancourt​ I think when you hang out with ace people online or offline there is just less pressure. Then real connections can happen

Watch when Disaster Strikes, My Asexual Story, here, Do not miss this! The Earlybird offers advertised in this video have now gone. But at the moment, you can still  Order Asexual Meetup Mastery course here 👉 and get, How To Arrange A Successful Online Asexual Meetup course right now, as a FREE MEGA BONUS! 💜😍😍💜 So don’t delay, order now, before I change my mind about this bonus.

As Always, stay Ace
Sandra xx

P.S. If you have any questions about these courses, just email me – I am only ever, an email away.