5 Less Obvious Signs You Might Be Asexual

5 Less Obvious Signs You Might Be Asexual

  1. You experience arousal but you don’t experience sexual attraction. So in other words you get an arousal feeling in your genitalia but that still doesn’t make you think “I want sex” with anyone.
  2. You have a sex drive, but it isn’t aimed at anyone.
  3. You like naked bodies but the idea of inserting your genitalia into someone else’s, or vice versa, doesn’t appeal to you.
  4. You have sexual fantasies but you don’t want to act on them in real life.
  5. You watch porn but you have no inclination to participate in sex itself.

3 Other Less Obvious Signs You Might Be Asexual – If You’re Having Sex

  1. You enjoy the physical sensations of sex when you have it, but you could easily live without it, and it’s not something you actively pursue.
  2. You will participate in sex, but you you never instigate it, as you are not bothered about doing it.
  3. You feel a disconnect when having sex, like you are just through the motions and would rather be doing other things.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about these 5 Less Obvious Signs You Might Be Asexual and 3 Other Less Obvious Signs You Might Be Asexual. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife and hit the bell icon so you get notified of every time I go live or post a new video.

As always, stay ACE.

Sandra xx

5 Quick Ways You Can Tell If You’re Asexual

5 Quick Ways You Can Tell If You’re Asexual Or Not

  1. You hate sex, you can’t stand it, and you don’t want anything to do with it.
  2. You hate sex scenes in movies, they really make you feel sick.
  3. You’re fed up of society going on about sex. It annoys you and you are like – “What the hell are they talking about?”
  4. When people start saying about “getting off” and doing sexual stuff to other people, and they are looking so happy and gleeful about it, and you are like WTF!!!
  5. You are so turned off by all the sexualisation of everything and you are thinking I really don’t fit in here, this is like speaking an alien language. Beam me up out of here, please now!

3 Other Quick Ways You Can Tell If You’re asexual:

  1. You are more interested in having a decent conversation with your partner, than ever having sex.
  2. You never look at someone and think ‘I want to have sex you’ with anyone.
  3. You don’t think about having sex at all, just kissing, cuddling and holding hands (if you are romantic).

If you want to know 5 less obvious signs you might be asexual, check out this video below, and my next blog post!

Until next time,

Always stay ACE!

Sandra xx

12 Signs You Might Be Asexual – How Do You Know If You’re Asexual? #asexual #asexuality #ace

!2 Ways to tell if you are asexual

So you think you’re asexual?

How Do You Know If You’re Asexual?

12 Signs You Might Be Asexual


  1. The number one tell-tale sign you might be asexual is, you never look at anyone and think, “I want sex with you!”

  2. When kissing you either don’t see much point other than a peck, or for you, the pleasure is in the kissing, rather than the sex itself.

  3. You might like foreplay, masturbation, in preference to sex, or you might like none of that and just like a good cuddle.

  4. When everyone started talking about boys, girls, sex and relationships at school, you never thought about having sex, and you might have never even thought about having a relationship with anyone.

  5. If you thought/think about having a relationship, intimacy was/is kissing, cuddling, and holding hands, not sex.

  6. While everyone is fascinated by the body and looking at it in a sexual way, you’re more fascinated with the person’s eyes, the way they smile, what jewellery they are wearing, and what clothes they have on.

  7. While everyone is talking about making out, you’re talking about putting the trash out, playing video games, watching movies and anime.

  8. When you invite someone over for Netflix and chill, you really do mean watch Netflix and chill, not let’s get together on the sofa/go to bed and have sex.

  9. To you, a bed is meant for sleep not for sex.

  10. When you say let’s have a cuddle, you really do mean a cuddle, not sex.

  11. You get fed up with all the sex on TV and in movies, and the overall sexualisation of things in society.

  12. Sex either does nothing for you if you do have it, and/or you never ‘need’ it.

This list is by no means exhaustive, there are so many signs you may be asexual, far more than 12. If you want to know what other signs to look out for that someone might be asexual, check out my Asexual Perspectives book, because in this book there are 47 real life asexual stories and you can see what it’s really like to be asexual, rather than just be told textbook definitions of what it’s like to be asexual and you can see what it’s like to be asexual in everyday life. Get your copy now here – https://amzn.to/3kZDVka