How To Repel Unwanted Advances!!

There are a number of things you can do to repel unwanted advances, some are obvious and some are more subtle!! Here are a few things you can try to repel unwanted advances!!:

  • In a polite way – tell them to shove their sex up their back side – You are not interested in having sex with anyone no matter how ‘sexy’, ‘hot’ or ‘gorgeous’ they are. Or if you are a demisexual, tell them – ‘You will have to wait! And wait! And wait! – But the best things come to the who wait!”
  • Tell people you are asexual, not a sexual, within the first few minutes of speaking to the person who has shown a remote interest in you. ( I do this, sometimes even before they show an interest in me, because it saves me a lot of hassle and handles objections before they have time to raise them.)
  • Wear a Asexualise Asexual T Shirt like this one!  It gets the message across without saying anything!
  • Say no! I am not interested!
  • Promote Aven so they can understand asexuality better and know there are thousands like us.
  • Talk so much about asexuality that they get bored and give up on persuading you otherwise.
  • Be confident in what you are saying and adamant in what you want.
  • Block, de-friend, and disconnect from them.