How Are You Getting On With Feedback would be ace!

Asexual Perspectives Book

How Are You Getting On With Feedback would be ace!

Thank you for signing up to this blog, it is much appreciated and great to have your company. So I wanted to help you out with this site as there is a lot of info on it and I don’t want you to get lost!

The aim of this site is not only to raise awareness of asexuality and meet like-minded people, but to offers products, resources and services, for asexuals.

All products can be found on the Shop page, here

I create my own unique asexual design T Shirts, under my brand name of Asexualise, which are in my shop on here and my Amazon USA shop page is here,

You can also buy some of my unique Asexualise designs from Redbubble.

You can reach out to me in chat any time and if I am not there because I am creating more content for you, please leave your email and I will get back to you. You can also email me

Please let me know how this site is working for you and any changes or suggestions you may have.

Sandra Bellamy

Speak soon


2 thoughts on “How Are You Getting On With Feedback would be ace!

  1. I found your blog through one of your videos on Youtube. Although not asexual myself, I do enjoy reading your blog and learning more about asexuality. I find the videos and blog posts engaging. I look forward to reading more on the blog and watching the videos. Thank you for taking the time to do it 🙂

    1. Hello notathoughtgiven, awww, thanks so much for your lovely comments. I am so glad you find my Asexualise videos and posts engaging, that is really lovely feedback. Thanks for being open-minded and wanting to know more about asexuality. If you would like me to cover any specific topics about asexuality that you are unsure about, please let me know? xx

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